A note of thanks! (1 Viewer)


Sep 23, 2005
The Chicago show was all I imagined it would be. As this was my first show, the entire atmosphere was exciting and a bit overwhelming. The real bonus in all the wonderful varieties of figures, vehicles, terrain etc. was the generous and welcoming spirit of everyone I met. This is the way life should be and words cannot express how much I appreciate all the members of the forum and the great folks,both dealer and collector, who made me feel so much at home. This is an amazing hobby and it is great to see that this passion of ours attracts people who share so generously their knowledge and time with others. Thanks to all of you, Tim
Tim , I'll second that.I went my first time in 2003 and it was the Valhalla of toy soldiers so I know how you feel.
Many Thanks to all the fine folks ,dealers , attendees, especially Shannon and Pete who were so friendly . It's a lot of fun to speak with people that are as into their hobby as we are.Suport group I think Shannon called it!
Thanks again!!!
Tim (I'm assuming Tim Tyler),

It was great to meet you and hope you to come up to Louis symposium in March. I think you'll really like that. It was my first time and it was beyond words to describe the experience. So thanks to everybody and I took Gary's advice and signed up for my rooms for next year on Sunday.
Let me second the note of thanks - first to Shannon and Pete for the forum and for their efforts to help those attendees at the show hook up with one another. Great to put face to names. My second note of thanks goes to OTSN attendees themselves - everyone was welcoming and was passionate about the hobby. My only regret was that there was not enough time to talk at length with everyone as I would have wished. What an incredible experience. Gets better every year.


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