A Pacific Story: Part 1 (1 Viewer)

Nov 18, 2012
Somewhere in the Pacific, a band of USMC have discovered the entrance to a small cave with evidence of Japanese. Whether they are long gone or still in the vicinity remains a concern...


Out of the darkness, two sneaky IJA soldiers surprise a US Marine Leatherneck. With no time to grab his sidearm, he lunges forward with shovel in hand...


Days before, IJA prepare for a USMC landing along the shores of Guadalcanal...


Nicknamed the "Blood Bank" by some Leathernecks, these USMC are on shore and under attack from the IJA:


Days later after securing Blood Bank, USMC soldiers drive a TGM Dodge Truck along the shore. Intelligence reports indicate an underground network with a cave entrance in the vicinity...


"When it rains it pours", the US Mud Marines think as they encounter a break-down of their TGM Dodge Truck. Lucky for them, a most dependable Jeep Willy with tow hitch is not far away with some "extra fire power", just in case...



Discovering a small cave entrance not far from Blood Bank, two recon Marines stumble upon a makeshift Japanese outpost. They attempt to subdue the guards unfortunately drawing the attention of an armed officer. A radio operator quickly messages IJA Command for reinforcements...


Intercepting a radio report from a Japanese Outpost and some Hand-to-Hand Combat in the vicinity, this USMC Unit earn their nickname, Mud Marines, as they trudge along the river's edge in search of the cave entrance...


While the Mud Marines are trudging along the river bank, IJA reinforcements have decided to take an easier route by crossing a strategically placed bridge. Lucky for them, the old bridge is sturdy enough for their Type 95 ‘Ha-Go Light Tank (1st Version). What is in store for the Pacific USMC?


Continued in Part 2
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You have pulled together some great terrain and backdrops Rob, to once again bring this series to life or perhaps eminent death in some cases. You have embraced this series big time and is a credit to this hobby. Robin.

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