A personal message to all toy collectors! (1 Viewer)


Sergeant Major
Apr 28, 2005
Hello Guys! Collectors Showcase Toys, especially WW2 that I only Collect ,is Tops as far as the Whole WW2 Series! I also have been Collecting King & Country for many years! I have to save to say with ALL Honesty, both Toy Companies ,CS & K&C, is the ONLY Manufacture's, I will ever Purchase! I'm delighted, to Buy CS WW2 Vehicles! With any Manufacturer, their is sometimes, a Blemish or two, when these Toys are coming from China!
But, CS and K&C will Always Correct and Replace the Items! Brian and Andy, are Gentlemen and I'm very happy to Deal with them! I love to Collect Wonderful Toys from both Toy Companies CS & K&C! I'm looking forward for the Future WW2 Toys, and I'm like a Kid, who grew up, never to expect these Amazing and Wonderful Toys from these two Toy Manufacture's! Brian, assured that he will Personnaly take care and Replace if needed, any WW2 Toys, that came in from China ,which Rarely might have a Minor Blemish I really love the PANZER IV Tank, and the looking forward to purchase, CS NEW PANZER III Tank! The CS SDKFZ-222 Armored Car is good looking also! To Andy and Brian, Please keep the Price's low if Possible! Keep up the Excellent Toy Manufacturing! Thankyou, John Gambale! " HOORAH" CHOW!
John that is the thing about you. You are a fan! You love toys I like that about you!:salute:: Consider yourself saluted!
Ok, color me confused here.

John, you started a thread a month ago raving about the new CS Tiger I tank.

Then you started a thread saying your disappointed in the 222 armored car as "it does not feel like an armored car", then you said you did not like the Tiger tank.

Just curious; how is an armored car supposed to feel anyway?^&confuse

As a result of your comments, two collectors came out and said they would not be buying CS products.

Then you start a third threat praising CS, saying how much you like their products, SPECIFICALLY the 222 armored car, the same one you said you're sending back because you don't like it.

Seriously; what is going on here, I'm totally dazed and confused by your posts.

I'd appreciate some clarification.
Ok, color me confused here.

John, you started a thread a month ago raving about the new CS Tiger I tank.

Then you started a thread saying your disappointed in the 222 armored car as "it does not feel like an armored car", then you said you did not like the Tiger tank.

Just curious; how is an armored car supposed to feel anyway?^&confuse

As a result of your comments, two collectors came out and said they would not be buying CS products.

Then you start a third threat praising CS, saying how much you like their products, SPECIFICALLY the 222 armored car, the same one you said you're sending back because you don't like it.

Seriously; what is going on here, I'm totally dazed and confused by your posts. how can you post how much you love a company and the next week rip them make up your mind man lol if you have an opinion stick to it dont double talk.people like you turn others off to the hobby. either you like it or you dont foolish posts bathroom material.

I'd appreciate some clarification.
how can you post how much you love a company and the next week rip them,on the same item lol make up your mind man if you have an opinion stick to it dont double talk. people like you turn others off to the hobby. either you like it or you dont cannot have it both ways.foolish posts bathroom material.
Kinda sounds to me John is more or less placing the blame for his unfortunate experiance with his toys on those awfull Chinese! Or could it be he had a vision from "Our Lady of Toy Soldiers", who revealed to him Andy and Brian (or Brain) as the other poster called him, that in fact those two heads of companies or in fact disciples from heaven placed on earth to fulfill our collecting needs. But whatever the reason I think this board should give out a big "AMEN" now that this god awfull catastrophie has been resolved.
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Kinda sounds to me John is more or less placing the blame for his unfortunate experiance with his toys on those awfull Chinese commies! Or could it be he had a vision from "Our Lady of Toy Soldiers", who revealed to him Andy and Brian (or Brain) as the other poster called him, that in fact those two heads of companies or in fact disciples from heaven placed on earth to fulfill our collecting needs. But whatever the reason I think this board should give out a big "AMEN" now that this god awfull catastrophie has been resolved.

The products look very nice, but I still wish CS would do some better homework. I called them on a couple details of his M4A3E8 and his M4A1 76mm and the response was either "so what" or "you don't know what you are talking about". The models are quite nice but spoiled by rather simple errors. Sorry, but on my Sherman tanks I expect a decent model as the research stuff IS readily available. I'm glad to hear they do good customer service. "Someday" I may try their products, but not until I am sold on their efforts at research!

Gary B
Kinda sounds to me John is more or less placing the blame for his unfortunate experiance with his toys on those awfull Chinese commies! Or could it be he had a vision from "Our Lady of Toy Soldiers", who revealed to him Andy and Brian (or Brain) as the other poster called him, that in fact those two heads of companies or in fact disciples from heaven placed on earth to fulfill our collecting needs. But whatever the reason I think this board should give out a big "AMEN" now that this god awfull catastrophie has been resolved.

Brian might be flattered to be called ' Brain', wasn't he in Thunderbirds?!

Many of you who have only been members for a couple of years or less are probably are not that familiar with John. He is one of the Forum's or hobby's true characters. His typical post would consist of a long page of what "collectors want." Ask Andy about him and he will probably roll his eyes. John usually ends each post with the ubiquitous "Ciao!"
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Many of you who have only been members for a couple of years or less are probably are not that familiar with John. He is one of the Forum's or hobby's true characters. His typical post would consist of a long page of what "collectors want." Ask Andy about him and he will probably roll his eyes. Others here have had troublesome trading transactions with him. John usually ends each post with the ubiquitous "Ciao!"

I'd forgotten the ' Lists' Brad, I think the suggestion area was created in honour of John wasn't it?!


How could you forget! They were classic. He drove Andy batty with all those lists :wink2: {eek3} ^&grin


How could you forget! They were classic. He drove Andy batty with all those lists :wink2: {eek3} ^&grin


Yes and quite few collectors too I remember!^&grin Seems like a long time ago now doesn't it Brad?

Brian might be flattered to be called ' Brain', wasn't he in Thunderbirds?!

Yes he was. And also in 'Pinky and the Brain', and he was also an 'friend' of Snake Plissken.:wink2: -- Al
Collecting Toy Soldiers is a way of life
And I love it!!!^&grin
It helps you to stay a kid in a candy store

Regards Harrie boy:salute:::salute:::salute::^&grin
I think the whole idea was that John is a bit of a character. Even he will admit to that.

Maybe you need to loosen the stiff upper lip once in a while ^&grin
I think the whole idea was that John is a bit of a character. Even he will admit to that.

Maybe you need to loosen the stiff upper lip once in a while ^&grin

Whether you agreed with John or not he is a true character of this forum and his posts were often fun and full of his enthusiasm

this is beyond hilarious.

gambale and the slovenian guy who wants to open a new museum for something every week should have coffee together.
this is beyond hilarious.

gambale and the slovenian guy who wants to open a new museum for something every week should have coffee together.

Wow I'd forgotten those! There was even a suggestion of a TS themed topless bar.....how would that work!{eek3}^&grin


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