ACW91-099 Confederate Artillery Crew & 12lb Napolon Gun (1 Viewer)


Sergeant Major
Dec 8, 2007
We are pleased to present the Confederate Artillery of the American Civil War. Artillery played a dominant role on the American Civil War battlefield, responsible for more casualties than any of the other arms. With the advent of rifled guns such as our 3 inch Ordnance piece ACW069, cannons were far more accurate and at greater ranges than ever before. Of course many older guns such as our 12lb Napoleon were also still in service, particularly in the Confederate Army. Our coverage has 8 different figures including an officer that allows for a battery setup of multiple guns. We sincerely hope you enjoy them!


ACW091 Confederate Artillery Officer $59.95
ACW092 Confederate Artillery NCO $59.95
ACW093 Confederate Artillery Crew with Handspike $59.95
ACW094 Confederate Artillery Crew with Rammer - End in Gun Barrel $59.95
ACW095 Confederate Artillery Crew with Handspike $59.95
ACW096 Confederate Artillery Crew with Sponge/Rammer $59.95
ACW097 Confederate Artillery Crew Sighting Gun $59.95
ACW098 Confederate Artillery Crew with Sponge/Rammer $59.95
ACW099 12lb Napoleon Cannon $69.95
Shipping Late July




















First Legion
The sculpts on the ACW faces are incredible! Those beards are awesome and faces are rough looking, hence time period..
The sculpts on the ACW faces are incredible! Those beards are awesome and faces are rough looking, hence time period..

Thanks for the nice words. Same exact sculptor as the WWII figures. Go figure.
I have to admit. The facial sculpts on the civil war series are amazing. They all look like indivduals. Real people! Your sculptor is amazing!
Hi Matt. I too would like to add my warm congratulations on the new ACW set. I have ALL of your ACW figures to date and hope to buy these also. However, some of those hats are not as I would like. To me they seem out of place on the artillerymen (although they also appear on some of your marching Confederates). Is there any possibility of giving us a choice of more conventional headgear as happened with one of the Union set? I can then raid the piggy bank! Best regards from Ireland. Colman
Hi Matt. I too would like to add my warm congratulations on the new ACW set. I have ALL of your ACW figures to date and hope to buy these also. However, some of those hats are not as I would like. To me they seem out of place on the artillerymen (although they also appear on some of your marching Confederates). Is there any possibility of giving us a choice of more conventional headgear as happened with one of the Union set? I can then raid the piggy bank! Best regards from Ireland. Colman

Glad you guys like the new sets and that you're enjoying our ACW figure range Colman. The figures are as shown and no changes will be made and no additional variants are planned to be offered. As it is, we have 8 different figures, 5 of which have Kepis or bare head, so overall we feel there is more than enough variety. Further, we could just play it safe and do everyone in a Kepi, but we think it's more interesting the way we've done it for both this release and our previous confederate releases and we will continue along the same lines for future releases as we feel that the Confederate army on campaign should look the way we've done it.


Glad you guys like the new sets and that you're enjoying our ACW figure range Colman. The figures are as shown and no changes will be made and no additional variants are planned to be offered. As it is, we have 8 different figures, 5 of which have Kepis or bare head, so overall we feel there is more than enough variety. Further, we could just play it safe and do everyone in a Kepi, but we think it's more interesting the way we've done it for both this release and our previous confederate releases and we will continue along the same lines for future releases as we feel that the Confederate army on campaign should look the way we've done it.



Thanks, Matt, for your prompt reply. Of course I can see your point completely. I suppose , as in so much else in the collecting field, it's more a case of personal preference than anything else. No doubt I will develop a fondness for those guys and their hats in time! All the best! Colman
true, possible. Very few photo exist of confederate solders on campign. Probably some of the most famous are Hagerstown Maryland (1862) showing mostly slouch hats. The photos taken in Punch Bowl in VA (1864) showing captured confederates 500 plus. These are at a distance. But most are slouch. There is also a brilliant photo of 100 plus confederates (recently captured) and you can see interesting head gear. Mostly slouch hats with Kepi's mixed in. The photos are in Frassanito's books. Those books are awesome. Really like the Then and now photos. But after saying that. I don't want to be a hat counter. :) It is possible and they are outstanding figures which I will pick up for sure! :)
These are brilliant in every way; uniform, headgear and pose variety specifically. As one of my customers pointed out, you can mix and match the poses and create several different crew combinations and assemble a very nice battery.

IMO, First Legion makes terrific ACW figures; in my experience, they haven't made a bad figure yet with their Union dismounted cavalry, Iron Brigade, Union personality figures, artillery gun and crewmen, Confederates marching, in action, personality figures and now this artillery.

Can't wait to see what is in the works going forward, would love to see 84th NY, 146th NY, 114th PA, 20th ME, Hoods Texas Brigade, Barksdale's Mississippi regiments, 1st MN, Wheats Tigers just to name a few...........
Is it just me, or are the handspikes way out of proportion. I have never seen them that long, and I've seen a lot of cannons.
I really like that First Legion has taken yet another step forward to filling collectors wishes. With the 8 different figures allowing for a choose your own crew approach, I hope this will be added to the other lines as well in future releases. I know I have two of their original French Napoleonic Artillery sets and would have loved to have a variety in choosing the crews.

These really are nice looking sets, I can't wait to see what Bob can do with them..:wink2:
When analysing confederate uniforms one has to be unit/time/theatre specific. First Legion, to their credit, have produced a non-specific artillery unit. The uniforms on the figures are absolutely accurate for a generic gun crew. For a specific unit there would have to be some changes. To illustrate my point I have chosen 3 different artillery units, all of which served in a different theatre in the East. I will start with the famous Louisiana Washington Artillery, four batteries of which served in the East with Lee. The unit (comprising 250- 340 men) was initially fully outfitted in blue frockcoats, pants and red caps. These were worn at First Bull Run. Later in 1861 the unit was fully outfitted in clothing from the Richmond Depot comprising 400 trimmed grey shell jackets, light blue pants and red caps. From March to June 1862 the Battalion (4 batteries), received 227 jackets, 175 pairs pants, 404 pairs shoes, 2 shirts,12 pairs socks and 37 blankets. In August more pants, shoes and shirts were issued and in December some members of the Battalion returned to Louisiana to collect shirts, socks and other winter clothing. Between January and March 1863 the battalion received and was issued 124 jackets, 89 pairs pants, 160 shirts, 126 pairs socks, 2 'artillery' caps, 3 hats,15 overcoats and 74 blankets.Between April and June further clothing issues comprised 160 jackets,316 pairs pants,225 pairs shoes, 144 shirts, 64 pairs socks, 139 pairs drawers, 104 caps and 36 hats. July, August and September saw the 4 batteries receive 244 jackets, 448 pairs pants, 560 pairs shoes, 414 shirts, 260 pairs socks, 377 pairs drawers, 40 caps, 12 hats and 169 blankets. The final issue of 1863, in October and December comprised 148 jackets, 530 pairs pants, 10 pairs shoes, 217 shirts, 160 pairs drawers, 4 caps, 200 hats and 45 blankets. Similar issues continued until the end of the War. So this unit received a mixture of caps and hats.
The Georgia 'Chatham' artillery battery, 125 strong, serving on the Eastern seaboard, received in Feb/March 1863, 136 'Uniform coats', 136 'Uniform pants', 130 pairs shoes,145 cotton shirts,144 pairs socks,128 pairs drawers, 87 (non-specific) caps and 12 cap covers. In July the battery received 125 'Uniform Artillery ' coats, 250 pairs 'Uniform Artillery' pants, 125 pairs shoes, 230 shirts, 250 pairs socks, 230 pairs drawers and 125 'Uniform Artillery' caps. No hats seem to have been issued.
Company 'C' 10th Heavy Artillery Battalion, 70 men strong, serving at Battery no.2 in the Richmond defences, received the following clothing between October 1862 and October 1863. Jackets 164 received 151 issued, pants 175 received 175 issued, shirts 253 received 245 issued, drawers 253 received 236 issued, shoes 246 received 243 issued, socks 50 received 50 issued, blankets 7 received none issued. This unit seemed to be an 'all cap' battery.
The numbers cited above are actual issues to the troops,The data presented has been gleaned from two main sources – Special Requisition Form 40 and Articles Issued on Special Requisition Form 39.
The Form 40, tens of thousands of which survive in the Compiled Service Records Department of the National Archives, is the main source. These forms were filled out by every Company commander or by one of his subordinates, when clothing was required or had become available. They requisitioned for a certain amount of clothing ie. jackets, pants, shoes, shirts etc., and when received, the exact number of items were recorded on the bottom of the form, then it was signed and dated. They were also signed by the issuing Quartermaster.
Hope this helps.
When analysing confederate uniforms one has to be unit/time/theatre specific. First Legion, to their credit, have produced a non-specific artillery unit. The uniforms on the figures are absolutely accurate for a generic gun crew. For a specific unit there would have to be some changes. To illustrate my point I have chosen 3 different artillery units, all of which served in a different theatre in the East. I will start with the famous Louisiana Washington Artillery, four batteries of which served in the East with Lee. The unit (comprising 250- 340 men) was initially fully outfitted in blue frockcoats, pants and red caps. These were worn at First Bull Run. Later in 1861 the unit was fully outfitted in clothing from the Richmond Depot comprising 400 trimmed grey shell jackets, light blue pants and red caps. From March to June 1862 the Battalion (4 batteries), received 227 jackets, 175 pairs pants, 404 pairs shoes, 2 shirts,12 pairs socks and 37 blankets. In August more pants, shoes and shirts were issued and in December some members of the Battalion returned to Louisiana to collect shirts, socks and other winter clothing. Between January and March 1863 the battalion received and was issued 124 jackets, 89 pairs pants, 160 shirts, 126 pairs socks, 2 'artillery' caps, 3 hats,15 overcoats and 74 blankets.Between April and June further clothing issues comprised 160 jackets,316 pairs pants,225 pairs shoes, 144 shirts, 64 pairs socks, 139 pairs drawers, 104 caps and 36 hats. July, August and September saw the 4 batteries receive 244 jackets, 448 pairs pants, 560 pairs shoes, 414 shirts, 260 pairs socks, 377 pairs drawers, 40 caps, 12 hats and 169 blankets. The final issue of 1863, in October and December comprised 148 jackets, 530 pairs pants, 10 pairs shoes, 217 shirts, 160 pairs drawers, 4 caps, 200 hats and 45 blankets. Similar issues continued until the end of the War. So this unit received a mixture of caps and hats.
The Georgia 'Chatham' artillery battery, 125 strong, serving on the Eastern seaboard, received in Feb/March 1863, 136 'Uniform coats', 136 'Uniform pants', 130 pairs shoes,145 cotton shirts,144 pairs socks,128 pairs drawers, 87 (non-specific) caps and 12 cap covers. In July the battery received 125 'Uniform Artillery ' coats, 250 pairs 'Uniform Artillery' pants, 125 pairs shoes, 230 shirts, 250 pairs socks, 230 pairs drawers and 125 'Uniform Artillery' caps. No hats seem to have been issued.
Company 'C' 10th Heavy Artillery Battalion, 70 men strong, serving at Battery no.2 in the Richmond defences, received the following clothing between October 1862 and October 1863. Jackets 164 received 151 issued, pants 175 received 175 issued, shirts 253 received 245 issued, drawers 253 received 236 issued, shoes 246 received 243 issued, socks 50 received 50 issued, blankets 7 received none issued. This unit seemed to be an 'all cap' battery.
The numbers cited above are actual issues to the troops,The data presented has been gleaned from two main sources – Special Requisition Form 40 and Articles Issued on Special Requisition Form 39.
The Form 40, tens of thousands of which survive in the Compiled Service Records Department of the National Archives, is the main source. These forms were filled out by every Company commander or by one of his subordinates, when clothing was required or had become available. They requisitioned for a certain amount of clothing ie. jackets, pants, shoes, shirts etc., and when received, the exact number of items were recorded on the bottom of the form, then it was signed and dated. They were also signed by the issuing Quartermaster.
Hope this helps.

Very informative post thanks for that, you had my like at
"First Legion, to their credit, have produced a non-specific artillery unit. The uniforms on the figures are absolutely accurate for a generic gun crew"
considering that was their sole intent.
But its always wonderful to have farther information from intelligent members who do their research. I really wish I had the money and room to collect more of this fine line but alas you just can't collect it all :mad: So far I have one figure but plan on Lee and a few more :redface2: Gebhard

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