Advance Images of Grenadier Company of the British 5th Regiment of Foot. (1 Viewer)


2nd Lieutenant
Jul 20, 2009

These paint masters look great! I certainly know what I am saving for now, as the militia are ready for thier opponents....
Thanks for bringing the pictures up here, Gebhard.
They sure look like excellent figures and after getting my little group of Colonial Militia together, of which the first three pieces I am expecting on monday, I am already looking forward to some of the British troops later this year.
Amazing sculpts, amazing detail, amazing figures.
Thanks for bringing the pictures up here, Gebhard.
They sure look like excellent figures and after getting my little group of Colonial Militia together, of which the first three pieces I am expecting on monday, I am already looking forward to some of the British troops later this year.
Amazing sculpts, amazing detail, amazing figures.

My Pleasure Konrad ,
I'm sure Matt will post some much better pictures when the pre-order starts , that is if he's still not on moderated status :eek: I just thought I would pinch these from the First Legion site to give members of the forum who don't visit a little look. I look forward to your review and congratulations on your purchase , all the best Gebhard
Outstanding ! Moderated status ??? I don't understand or maybe I missed something.


Maybe it's me but I don't see any pictures here.:confused:
Scott,not on three different computers I checked this thread out.A little weird.
I can see them just fine.
Here I post them again.
How is that?


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Scott,not on three different computers I checked this thread out.A little weird.

Photos are missing..Michael

I can't either...there is no link on his first thread...:mad:

Think I know why, these photos are linked to Gebhards forum album and I bet he has it set to private and that is why they are not showing.

Sorry Guys I had them linked to one of my forum albums that was marked as private which is only viewable by friends and the moderators just like the Britfarmer said :eek: .. I have made an adjustment so they show up know for everybody to see. Sorry about that , Was just checking them out again and they do look extremely nice . Gebhard
Sorry Guys I had them linked to one of my forum albums that was marked as private which is only viewable by friends and the moderators just like the Britfarmer said :eek: .. I have made an adjustment so they show up know for everybody to see. Sorry about that , Was just checking them out again and they do look extremely nice . Gebhard

Friends shouldn't hide toy soldiers from other friends:p Michael
Friends shouldn't hide toy soldiers from other friends:p Michael

After looking at these guys you may just want to thank me ;) Sort of like putting a cold Beer in front of an Alcoholic and saying you can't drink that , its only a matter of time before he grabs it and downs it :D In this case it may be your credit card going down :eek: Anyway enjoy the photo's they do look very nice but i must remain disciplined and focussed on the other two line I'm currently enjoying . All the best and happy collecting Gebhard

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