Thanks for bringing the pictures up here, Gebhard.
They sure look like excellent figures and after getting my little group of Colonial Militia together, of which the first three pieces I am expecting on monday, I am already looking forward to some of the British troops later this year.
Amazing sculpts, amazing detail, amazing figures.
Maybe it's me but I don't see any pictures here.
Scott,not on three different computers I checked this thread out.A little weird.
Photos are missing..Michael
Scott,not on three different computers I checked this thread out.A little weird.
Photos are missing..Michael
I can't.
I can't either...there is no link on his first thread...![]()
Think I know why, these photos are linked to Gebhards forum album and I bet he has it set to private and that is why they are not showing.
Sorry Guys I had them linked to one of my forum albums that was marked as private which is only viewable by friends and the moderators just like the Britfarmer said.. I have made an adjustment so they show up know for everybody to see. Sorry about that , Was just checking them out again and they do look extremely nice . Gebhard
Friends shouldn't hide toy soldiers from other friendsMichael