advice please on glues (1 Viewer)


Dec 28, 2012
Can anyone recommend the best type of glue to use for plastic 54mm conversion work.
There are several on the market but I am unsure as to which would be most suitable.
(I have heard good things about 'plasti-zap' and/or plastic cement ?)
I will mainly be working with both vintage and new Airfix figures.
Many thanks.
Hi, Bill, if you're working with the Airfix kits, you want a glue for styrene. I recommend using liquid as well as thicker tube glue.

Glue for styrene works by melting the joining surfaces and welding the parts together.

There are many brands available, and they all have their adherents (no pun intended, but I'll take it ;) ) I use Testor's tube glue on my styrene models, and Plastruct's Bondene or Weldene, which are liquid. Testor also makes a liquid glue, and I understand that Tenax works in the same way by melting the material to form its join. I don't know what's available to you in the UK, but look for liquid and for tube.

Each has its use. Tube glue is thicker and sets in a couple of minutes, which gives you time to adjust the pieces if necessary. So, you can apply it to the mating surfaces and then assemble the pieces, for example, putting a drop on a pin that fits into a hole, or putting the glue into the hole and then inserting the locator pin.

Liquid glue is usually applied with a brush, or with a pipette applicator, or even a straight pin, and it is applied to pieces that are held together and it flows into the join by capillary action. For example, I use liquid glue to assemble two halves of an aircraft fuselage, by holding the halves together and flowing glue over the seam, often from inside the model, with a brush.

I think you'll find that you'll have use for both kinds, as you proceed.

I do not recommend using cyano-acrylate glue, also known as CA glue or Krazy Glue (one of the brands sold for household use), or 2-part epoxies, for this application. They may form strong bonds, but they do not weld the styrene as styrene glue does, and such bonds are more liable to break under shear forces (if the figure should get knocked over, for example), than the styrene weld is. CA and epoxies are better for resin or metal, or for bonding unlike materials (like photo-etched brass to a styrene figure).

Hope that helps, prosit!
A followup-it occurs to me that you might be talking about the soft plastic figures issued in sets, in 1/32 or 1/72 and HO. I was thinking rather of the 54mm kits of single figures that Airfix issued. Those are in styrene. The soft plastic figures are in a different plastic, and styrene glue isn't as effective. In the case of the soft figures, then I would use CA or epoxies, with metal pins in the joins to strengthen the joints, and putty as appropriate to fill gaps that come up in your conversion process.

And others may have better advice than mine, too.

Hope that helps, and sorry for any confusion, prosit!
And others may have better advice than mine, too.

Hope that helps, and sorry for any confusion, prosit!
Nope, I think you nailed it quite happily with those recommendations Brad.
The only thing I'd add is in relation to CA / superglues, if you are using these, is that I wouldn't go mad on getting the most expensive ones out there. I'd avoid the ultra cheap ones, but your typical adhesive manufacturers such as Bostick, Evostick and similar brands, work fine for me.

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