African Village, Scratchbuilding Huts and Stuff (1 Viewer)


Private 2
Feb 16, 2018
Its in 15mm, but the concept is the same for 1:32.

Mostly paper towel tubes, with spackle. The roofs are just folded paper cones. Then, you apply a mix of spackle and acrylic paint, and texture to get a thatched look. With a good wash and drybrush, it comes out pretty good.

The bases are those free formica samples from Home Depot. Very hard, wont warp, and cuts with scissors. I'll post some pics of the set up on a detailed table, it looks better that way.

The clay pots and such are actually seeds from some rare tropical trees we have in my area, the Gumbo Limbo, Bottlebrush, and Ooga Booga (I dont know the real name) They are hollow, and make Perfect clay pottery

These are Gumbo Limbo seeds. Just great! They range in size from 1/4" to 1/2" diameter


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