Age of Collectors Poll (3 Viewers)

How Old Are You (be honest now!)

  • 0-19

    Votes: 5 4.5%
  • 20-29

    Votes: 4 3.6%
  • 30-39

    Votes: 29 25.9%
  • 40-49

    Votes: 35 31.3%
  • 50-59

    Votes: 27 24.1%
  • 60-69

    Votes: 9 8.0%
  • 70 or over

    Votes: 3 2.7%

  • Total voters

Peter Reuss

2nd Lieutenant
Apr 22, 2005
Every so often it's interesting to gauge the age of people in this hobby.

How old are ya?
As I get older I find that I'm not suffering from what others call "senior moments", instead I like to refer to those times when my brain does not function normally (yeah, I know what your thinking "as if he were ever normal") as "brain farts". Brain farts can either be real stinkers or silent but deadly. Often they snick up on ya without warning. But at least they don't fill your pants when you lose muscle control.:rolleyes::p:)
47 with the mind of a 12 year old when it comes to miniatures.

Hi Peter,

I find this to be a very interesting poll. I cast my vote for the 60 - 69 range. Interestingly enough, nobody has yet been able to successfully assess my mental age! :D

Thanks for conducting the poll. I look forward to viewing the final results!

Warmest personal regards,

Pat ;)
43,although the wife says i'm 8yrs old.

Sixty-five years old, but I feel like I am 35. When it comes to toy soldiers 10 years old.
I just turned 38 last saturday but, mentaly I,m a bit more mature then most of you guys. I,d say I,m about 13 mentaly.:p Although the the old lady seems to think i,m just plain mental altogether.:eek::cool:
Senior guy also with "got to get the new release syndrome". 66 years old and told to grow up someday. Leadmen
I'm 17, but my friends tell me I act like an 80 year old. Not sure what that's supposed to mean.:confused:
I'm 17, but my friends tell me I act like an 80 year old. Not sure what that's supposed to mean.:confused:

It means you show a maturity beyond your years. Once you get to about 25, you'll start the clock backwards and by the time you reach 40, you'll be a big kid all over again. It's much more fun the second time around. :)
BTW, this poll is going to be skewed towards the "younger" age groups, since there are a number of big time collectors who are not on-line.
I'm lucky you posted the poll now, so I could still slide into the 30-39 age group by the skin of my teeth.
BTW, this poll is going to be skewed towards the "younger" age groups, since there are a number of big time collectors who are not on-line.

I know this Forum isn't exactly a representative sample of the toy soldier world (I majored in stats in college :rolleyes:), but it does give an interesting slice of toy soldier collecting on the internet.

Simply by being an internet Forum does skew it younger - but it also shows that younger people are out there.

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