AIP Russian Naps are out (1 Viewer)

Feb 8, 2007
The next set of Naps are on their site for sale- Russians; makes me wish I hadnt killed my credit card limit already this month lol.
I cant seem to find anyone with images either.Good , More russians for my 1812 insanity, at least they'll be good for wargames since they are cheap.
A couple friends of mine were here lat weekend for a shambattle russians and french. I was the french, they outnumbered me and I attacked. They pretty much stood there like good russians and let the old man with the bad back do all the work pushing troops. Most of my russians are multibased for easy movement.French? Nope , almost all singles.
Next time, I'm the russians.
yeah they only post pics of their box art- though CTS always posts pics when they get it in so I'm eagerly awaiting those.... Still 20 guys for $12 means that filling out larger units with 'fodder' will be a bit easier
Those look like they will make soom great fillers to go with russians I got from fubar.:cool: Are they out already???
Yup, one box will do it for me. I do like the at ready en garde figure.
Never crazy about the fatigue caps though but I can see why they included them. Whats yer bet on the next AIP Nap set? I say Prussians,

Prussians seems likely - I'll have to wait to get some Russians though as my Visa is still maxed lol
I,ll take some of those prussains!!! I just finnished paying off my credit card yesterday and I think I,ll celabrate by racking it right back up again!!!:eek: :p
Surprise! It's Prussians! On littlewars forum tonite. No pix but a description .24 figs per set too! 8 poses, Officer, Standing firing, Standing firing with bandaged head{ I see lots of officers loosing their oilskin shako heads} Kneeling firing, kneeling ready, advancing, running, engarde. Sounds good!
Now that Theres lots of cheap russians and Prussians it's onto Liepzig!

I,m glad to see that russians and prussains finally being made but these figures have very little conversion possibilities. I wish conte would do some napoleonics I love chopping those guys up.
Italeri make some nice napoleonics also, I wish they had come out with the russains and prussains then maybe they would be more suited for conversions. The A.I.P. figures have way to munch blocking(extra plastic under the arms do to mold limitations) to get any real good conversions out of them.
There artillary sets were nice and the french and russains are nice fillers for dioramas and are in good poses for massed attack and defence formations but I like to convert my figures for varity and these figures are very lacking in this area.
Tim, I agree BUT. They are good fillers. The Shakos will be good for putting on all kinds of Cavalry.
I'm more interested in the Prussians asd most of mine , about 100 are fronlitne metals with a few Timpo. I could use another 100 or more Musketeers in plasstic
and having massed ranks in the same pose doesnt bother me much as then they look like formed troops.


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