Airfix George Washington (1 Viewer)


Sep 10, 2008
My brother came over for a visit from the States and brought me a treasure trove of Airfix collector series! I probably can set up a dealership in these figures!.

GW was always on my to redo list. I had made my first GW kit more than 40 years ago. I remembered that I was never satisfied with the figure as it looked too slim for me. Furthermore, the saddle was slightly askew. Anyway, I opened the box and all the kit parts were there. The torso was assemble to create a fuller figure. More putty was added around the waist. The coattails were made fuller. the legs were assembled with less splay. When dry, these were attached to the torso. The horse body was filed down to align the saddle. Putty was then added to rebuild the legs and create a secure seat on the saddle.

Hi All,

Besides the Airfix painting, I believe that this is the next nearest iconic image of GW available.

I lengthened the boots.

Just doing a bit of work to convert GW to the iconic painting pose. The neck was repositioned. The legs were cut off and reattached with wire inserts to give a more natural looking seat. The torso was built up considerably, too. The horse neck was cut off and reattached at a different angle. The rump and abdomen of the horse was built up.

Hello Matt,

Thanks for your comments. As you can see, I had initially envisaged a simple modification and upgrade but this is not the case. The horse proportions were modified substantially, especially the rump was enlarged. The horse head was repositioned and a new mane was sculpted.

Besides considerably enlarging the figure torso, I had to lengthen the boots and eventually change the leg positions as well. The body position was also altered. The coattails were cut off and new coattails were made from rolled out putty and draped onto the saddlebags.

Rgds Victor

I am taking my time with GW in between other projects. Here is the update on the coattails which are very brittle and thin and need strengthening.

Hi Mirof,

The Airfix collector series figures directly assembled from the box are perfectly good figures, hence their popularity.

I just wanted to do my own unique converted figure.

Rgds Victor
Following further trimming of the figure, I decided to lengthen the legs.

The legs were completed, except for the boots. The coat and neck were worked on, too.

Hello Darren,

Thanks for your comment. Nice meeting you at the Spore gathering.

I worked more on this figure, shaping the coattails, legs and boots. The collar was also detailed and I reshaped Washington's face and hair.

Rgds Victor



  • P1120882.JPG
    214.6 KB · Views: 44
The torso was too long. So I cut it and he is making out like Ichabod Crane until I reattach the head.


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