Al Stewart " Roads to Moscow" (1 Viewer)


Sergeant Major
Jun 27, 2005
Hey Gang, Are any of you familiar with an old Album by Al Stewart called " Past , Present and Future" and in particular " Roads to Moscow"
It's been among my favorites for longer than I care to think about.
Absolutely haunting.The entire album is good, this song deals with WW2 Russian front through the eyes of 1 soldier.
I thought all of you that collect KC Berlin line might appreciate this tune and it is perfect in spirit .
Fubar- Does the music come on tape or cd?? Also do they have the "Bee-Gees version of it available? Leadmen
Leadmen, Probably not on 8 track so I guess your tickets up on that one.
BeeGees? I don't have any idea what that would be. Is that like " the bee's Knee's"?Oh you mean Dicso crap! No, I dont think so, no rap versions either as it doesnt have anything to do with crack , Hoes, Guns or dirty underwear.
Have Mike hunt you down a copy, you can probably find it on cassette.It's not rock and roll or anything like that.Just a ballad I guess. Great stuf.


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