All The King's Men ceasing production (1 Viewer)

I got an email from ken this week stating that he was no longer in production :(

It's a shame as he made some quite good sets of figures that could be used in mass groupings on the battlefields fom the Rev War to American Civil War, including the Napoleonic era.

I was lucky enough to be given many sample figures, like these below that I painted.

French Napoleonic infantry

German troops 1776

French Soissonnois Regiment 1780 to 1783

British Ptes 4th (Kings) Regt, Officer 42nd (Black Watch) Regt, Light Coys 38th Regt & 62nd Regt 1776

9th Pennsylvania Regt, 1st Maryland Regt, Continental Marines & 2nd Virginia Regt

Best Wishes to Ken, in his future ventures ...

Yeah, it's too bad. I like his figures, too. He really filled a niche for new Revolutionary War figures. I particularly like the Jäger, and I've also bought horses from him, the plastic ones he uses.

I remember meeting Ken and Gina at Historicon years ago. What caught my eye-after the lovely Gina-was that he made 54mm figures for wargaming. You don't see that very often at all. We got to talking about casting, and sculpting, and I was honored to be a customer of his ever after.

I wish them success with the farm. And for us painters, I hold out hope that at some point in the future, he might take up casting again. Anything is possible.

I really liked his different metal heads he offered, which were perfect sizes for converting Armies In Plastic figures.

Also the movement trays would hold about 8 AIP soldiers nicely especially if you glued magnet strips to them.
Too bad no one is interested in taking over the helm when these terrific vendors decide to close shop and retire. I realize that it would be like buying yourself a full time, not so great paying job. But for those who love the hobby, it would be living the dream.
Too bad no one is interested in taking over the helm when these terrific vendors decide to close shop and retire...

We don't know if that is the case, in this case. From Ken's email, all we know is that he is not selling his molds.

Too bad no one is interested in taking over the helm when these terrific vendors decide to close shop and retire. I realize that it would be like buying yourself a full time, not so great paying job. But for those who love the hobby, it would be living the dream.

I asked but Ken has decided not to sell...

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