Almost 2000 members!! (1 Viewer)

Probably time to prune the rolls again. We hit 2000 at some time before the forum upgrade, too, and I think Peter took the opportunity to remove those who joined and made one post to ask a question about an auction, or to promote an event, or for some other, one-time-only situation, and who never returned.

Congratulations to the forum. Here are some interesting stats (accurate to within 5%).
Members joined by year:
2005 - 161
2006 - 214
2007 - 316
2008 - 336
2009 - 361
2010 - 364
2011 - 162 and counting.
I realize this doesn't total 2000 but the numbers are taken from the membership list. The numbers joining since 2007 have been very consistent and seem on course to be close to the same this year as well. Taking 1/1/10 as an arbitrary cut off, 789 of these members have not even signed in to visit the site since before then. Even 146 of those who joined in 2010 have not signed in to visit since their join date or within a week of joining. Seems strange to join and then not even bother to sign in to visit. May the forum live long and prosper.^&grin{bravo}} -- Al
...Taking 1/1/10 as an arbitrary cut off, 789 of these members have not even signed in to visit the site since before then. Even 146 of those who joined in 2010 have not signed in to visit since their join date or within a week of joining. Seems strange to join and then not even bother to sign in to visit...

That supports my point, that many of the registered members joined and posted once, for some specific purpose, eg, an adult child of a collector who passed away, who sought info about his dad's collection. Then there's the guy who promoted the Lehigh Valley Model Railroad show for a couple of years. He would post, once, about a month before the event, and then not again till the next year.

Actually, we're culling through some quiet spammers. We'll see if we can stay over 2000 this time {sm4}
I guess spamming their way into a collectors forum doesn't seem to bother these people in the least .{eek3}
Doh! Sorry guys, I caught and deleted another one so we're back under 2000. I zapped a handful last week as well. We'll get there;).
Best regards,

Here in this forum we have 2000 members, just wonder how many percentage it represents for the whole toy soldiers collectors worldwide. If say it represents 2%, then there are about 100,000 collectors out there. Or 5% then 40,000.

Some major toy soldiers producers only make 500 to 1000 set of each of their toy soldier. If my guess is correct, that is every one set of their product for 100 collectors to buy. Interesting!


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