Amateur Review - Robin Hood figures (1 Viewer)


Sergeant First Class
Jun 24, 2015
Just received my Robin Hood figures this noon.
Wonderful pieces, the Will Scarlett figure is one of the best I have seen, very detailed.
Looking forward to more of this series.
Andy and his people did a great job.

Only Con is paint flaking from Will Scarlett's bow which can be seen in second photo.

Thank you very much for great figures !

K & C Robin Hood_0136_Smaller.jpg

K & C Robin Hood_0138_Smaller.jpg
See the problem is they just came off the production line and are still wet. Get mine tomorrow and they will be fine^&grin, they look great don't they.Robin.
See the problem is they just came off the production line and are still wet. Get mine tomorrow and they will be fine^&grin, they look great don't they.Robin.

You are correct Robin, they are great figures.
Not too many Robin Hood figures have been made in the more realistic mode of the modern era.
I have many of the older Robin Hood figures, and at the time they were the best available, but these are wonderful.
Hope you enjoy yours.
Great looking figures indeed.
Maybe I will grab them at the "Figurenbörse Bad Nauheim" next weekend. ^&grin

I think KC is over their "Dark Age" from a couple of years ago.
Have them now, really nicely done poses. Gone the full circle now from a kid collecting lumps of Green plastic Robin Hood figures from cereal packets, to an old man collecting the surpberbly crafted ones. Mind you in those early days with nothing else to compare and my imagination, still thought they were wonderful figures and managed to horde around 50 fairly quickly by pouring the cereal in the bin when mum was not looking, to hurry the next box along. Looking forward to this series. Robin.
Not a collector of this series but must say these sets look pretty good and have always enjoyed the Robin Hood books/stories...Sammy
Is there no-one at home, knock again my stout friend. Robin.


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Have them now, really nicely done poses. Gone the full circle now from a kid collecting lumps of Green plastic Robin Hood figures from cereal packets, to an old man collecting the surpberbly crafted ones. Mind you in those early days with nothing else to compare and my imagination, still thought they were wonderful figures and managed to horde around 50 fairly quickly by pouring the cereal in the bin when mum was not looking, to hurry the next box along. Looking forward to this series. Robin.

I 'fully' understand the "Old Man" part, as I am 65...when young, we could not afford more than one (or in a good year one for birthday and one for Christmas) Marx set a I had to wait for many years, and three kids through college, to get a Richard Greene set. Over the years obtained the other Marx Robin Hood and of course the Herald set, Crescent, Barzso, and many others. In metal the Imrie / Risely, Britains, BenBros, Steadfast, a few odds and ends, the Conte Robin Hood figures (3 ?), plus one of the Barbarians who reminds me of Little John.

So, like you, with Robin Hood, a mix of plastic and metal. When Andy announced these, my heart skipped a little beat, I'm sure !

Thanks for the smiles and memories from your post.
I 'fully' understand the "Old Man" part, as I am 65...when young, we could not afford more than one (or in a good year one for birthday and one for Christmas) Marx set a I had to wait for many years, and three kids through college, to get a Richard Greene set. Over the years obtained the other Marx Robin Hood and of course the Herald set, Crescent, Barzso, and many others. In metal the Imrie / Risely, Britains, BenBros, Steadfast, a few odds and ends, the Conte Robin Hood figures (3 ?), plus one of the Barbarians who reminds me of Little John.

So, like you, with Robin Hood, a mix of plastic and metal. When Andy announced these, my heart skipped a little beat, I'm sure !

Thanks for the smiles and memories from your post.

Coming the same way here, Ivanhoe :smile2:
As a kid, one of my favorites read for years, was a "Robin Hood" book I received from my older brother for one birthday.
In the late 60's, there was also a TV Show running on German TV, broadcasting 1/2 hour long episodes on Sunday afternoons.
Spent endless hours with friends in the backyards, recreating those episodes ^&grin
Great times, surely great times.
When K&C announced a Robin Hood line, I knew I would be all in.
Happy Collecting!


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