American Horror Story - Season 2 (1 Viewer)


Brigadier General
Jun 10, 2005
This is a wild show. Probably not to everyone's taste, but lots of sex and violence. If you missed season one, don't worry this season has little to do with it. An all new scenario set in a mental asylum in the 1960's with some of the season one cast back in different roles. Twin Peaks meets Dark Shadows meets the Twilight Zone stuff. Some very weird characters. Jessica Lange is great.
This is a wild show. Probably not to everyone's taste, but lots of sex and violence. If you missed season one, don't worry this season has little to do with it. An all new scenario set in a mental asylum in the 1960's with some of the season one cast back in different roles. Twin Peaks meets Dark Shadows meets the Twilight Zone stuff. Some very weird characters. Jessica Lange is great.

Thanks for mentioning this show in one of your posts in the Walking Dead thread. I DVR'd this one and watched it last night, I liked it a lot, very well done, set up a series recording as a matter of fact, thanks again..........
I thought last season was great.This season looks to have the potential to be good too.
Thanks for mentioning this show in one of your posts in the Walking Dead thread. I DVR'd this one and watched it last night, I liked it a lot, very well done, set up a series recording as a matter of fact, thanks again..........

If you get a chance to see season one, it is really worth it. A wild story. A bit like a campy Twin Peaks.
Episode three was a rip roarer. It was a dark and stormy night! LOL. Aliens, deviant nuns, mad doctors, zombies. It was all on the table.
I'm still trying to wrap my head around the fact that stretch cunningham is a mad scientist/former nazi...........{eek3}
quite a cast of characters...Pepper the pinhead in the asylum freaks me out! i forget her real name but you would never believe how beautiful she is in real life...
As dark and as twisted as this series is, it took an even darker and more twisted turn last night.

So now we know who bloody face is, thought there was something strange about that head shrinker and last night confirmed it..................nice skin lampshade and skull bowl too by the way, now we know who the serial killer in the area is.

And is that the real Miss Frank or not, she seemed to know a lot about the old doctor now didn't she, guess we'll never know now as he turned her brain into oatmeal.

This is quite a series, wow.
Very weird and completely enjoyable,,especially the roles of the leather nuns tho sister lange is a bit worse for wear,,king kong did more damage then suspected,,,the sixties were the golden age of lunatic asylums,,search the abandoned sites on those,,I committed one of my ex wives in the 80s and she loved it,,especially medication time,,Nurse Ratchett I want my meds,,,,
listening to the song "Dominique" all day would drive someone crazy..that doctor always looked too straight and strange to me...he's the biggest freak of them all now...surprise, surprise
The blood was really flowing this week. Murder, suicide, psycho children, and possessed nuns. Great stuff. Every horror genre has been introduced except for Godzilla.
Nuns behaving badly, the strangest musical number in the history of TV and a couple of major characters go out in flames this week. Quite an episode. This must be an interesting show to watch in the midst of a heavy drinking binge.
This show is way out there and I love it!{bravo}}{bravo}}

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