Andrea Miniatures Enters Toy Soldier Market (1 Viewer)


2nd Lieutenant
Apr 24, 2005
I see by a article that appeared in June issue 109 of Toy Soldier and Model Figure magazine that Andrea miniatures is entering the painted figure market. The Spanish Company is well known for their fine miniature castings and paints.
The new figures will be 1/32 scale and will start with a series of "Custer's Last Stand". They will be marketed under Black Hawk Toy Soldier brand. Rick Berry of Michigan Toy Soldier has secured exclusive rights to distribute the new figures. They will be manufactured in China with about 30 different foot and mounted figures with US prices of $21-24 per foot and $54 per mounted.With Andrea's track record it will be worth watching what they are going to produce.
Also this issue has a report on the recent West Coast Show written by a Treefrog member and a nice article on the late Howard Swales of Frontline figures. I reccomend this issue. Leadmen John
They make some great figures, but at those low prices I would really be curious as the quality of painting they intend to produce. I guess we will find out.

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