Andy and toy soldiers. (1 Viewer)

Simpson & his donkey.

Sergeant Major
Feb 28, 2007
Just herd hot of the press from Hong Kong about next year.Early in the year his new range will appear and it comes straight from the battle of TROY.Yes you herd me right Greek wars.Andy also told me he is having a hard time thinking of new things to make.So he is sending emails to some of the collectors on the quiet to get new ideas.He is thinking about doing a range about Jason and the Argonaughts and would love to hear some feed back with all you guys .Boats and the golden fleese and serpants .What do you think.I have to go now as my doctor has just arrived.Simmo.:confused::confused::mad::p;):D
Those evil mermaids would be good !
And a Ltd Ed Trojan Horse MK IV with the Porsche turret in Afrika Korps markings with Rommel coming down the rope.
A brilliant idea. How come Andy didn't think of this one before ?
Great news! This means i´ll save money, because those ideas don´t appeal to me at all!:p
Would love to see stuff of the Troy siege...

Ofcouse Jason and his gang would also be fun...

I am pretty sure The Templars, 82nd and 101st, LRDG, Fallschirmjagers, Black Watch, Imperial Guard and many more would have got there if they could !
From what I understand there were not enough ships !!!
Now if you had a time machine such as the Tardis from Dr Who your troops could go anywhere.
I seem to recall World Wars involving Romans, ACS, Naps, WWI and WWII all going on at the same time .......................... in my home as a kid. The biggest enemy they faced was a dastardly parent who actually wanted to be able to walk on the floor without killing hundreds of little soldiers.
I'm delighted to hear about the Troy range. I'm confident Andy and his team would portray the ancient greeks very well. Lets hope they'll follow through. As for me, i'd better start working on that bank balance, for Troy will invade my toy soldier room next year! Ha!
I'd like to see some more releases along the Battle of Stalingrad line up.
More Germans from the start of the battle Aug./Sept while the weather was still good. Marching into the city as many photo's have documented.
Mortar/Machine gun teams. The engineers brought into the battle later on.
Some of the attack squads that stormed the factories prior to the bad weather setting in. :)
Hi Guys,

Just read Simmo’s ‘hot off the press’ post and have to say I’m shocked ‘n’ amazed!

Simmo old buddy, have you been at the wife’s cooking sherry???

Now it’s no state secret that with the demise of our Roman series I am looking at other Ancient subjects however I don’t recall saying to anyone that anything would be released early in the year especially… The Trojan War!!!

Also, for the record I don’t recall saying that I’m having a hard time thinking up new ideas… or am having to desperately send out emails seeking out new things to make from collectors.

K&C’s problem (and my own) is that we have TOO MANY GOOD IDEAS already and more just seem to arrive on a daily basis both from our own over active brains and from the energetic minds of our collectors!

What I am more than happy to confirm is that there is NO Jason & the Argonauts… no galley and… definitely no golden fleece.

So sorry to rain on your parade Simmo, but keep taking the tablets!

Best wishes and happy medication,
Andy C.
the stalingrad germans if it ever happens would suit me fine,real gritty battleworn and exhausted around ruined foundations of buildings german generals with machine pistols and stick grenades ,halftracks and stugs,panzer 111s and 1vs beats troy any day.
Hi Guys,

Just read Simmo’s ‘hot off the press’ post and have to say I’m shocked ‘n’ amazed!

Simmo old buddy, have you been at the wife’s cooking sherry???

Now it’s no state secret that with the demise of our Roman series I am looking at other Ancient subjects however I don’t recall saying to anyone that anything would be released early in the year especially… The Trojan War!!!

Also, for the record I don’t recall saying that I’m having a hard time thinking up new ideas… or am having to desperately send out emails seeking out new things to make from collectors.

K&C’s problem (and my own) is that we have TOO MANY GOOD IDEAS already and more just seem to arrive on a daily basis both from our own over active brains and from the energetic minds of our collectors!

What I am more than happy to confirm is that there is NO Jason & the Argonauts… no galley and… definitely no golden fleece.

So sorry to rain on your parade Simmo, but keep taking the tablets!

Best wishes and happy medication,
Andy C.
Hi Andy thanks for the reply and sorry for telling everyone of your secrets comming next year.I was abit naughty letting the secret out but I was so happy at receiving your email .Sorry for causing a stir and next time you email me I will say nothing at all. P.S The medication is helping and in another week or Two I shell be o.k.But can I mention about the Kokoda trail series you are doing or is that hush hush too.Simmo.:confused::confused::confused::):p:p
Sorry, I can't see K&C doing "Troy" at this time. There is already plenty of Greeks/Spartans in the marketplace already (i.e. Conte and East of India)... and "Jason and the Argonauts"... aren't you early for April Fool's Day??? I would rather like to see more Napoleonic Coldstream Guards and Black Watch poses to fill out a square. Dutch and Polish Lancers would also be a plus. Not sure, if its a good time to bring out any new lines but, I leave that up to Andy... :)
Dear Simmo,
You need to hook up a recording device so that the next time you hear "voices" it is all on the record.
Must be hard being Andy's closest technical adviser and not getting the credit you deserve !!!!!!!!!!
In my dreams i'd like Byzantine or late Roman Empire soldiers..they are really colourful , i don't know if you have an example in mind..
Stalingrad sounds great, but i thought the new series was going to be "march or die" with the foriegn legion and all those colorful bedouins.
Brett you no its all true and you were with me once when he rang me so stop covering Andys tracks for him and let the truth be known.Everybody needs a little advice now and again.Simmo.
Now that you remind me about it. Wasn't it when you had some guys around your place for dinner (I seem to recall Phil Collins, Peter Jackson abd the Sultan of Brunei were amongst the well known collectors at your regular get together and of course MAJGEN OzDigger). Then suddenly the red "hotline" phone rang and we all jumped up because we knew it was Andy.
As Andy would say let's keep taking the medication. Either that or Andy's memory not what it used to be !!!!

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