Andy's Talk at 2007 Chicago Show (1 Viewer)

Steven Chong

First Sergeant
Aug 25, 2005
Before I summarize Andy's talk, I want to again thank Peter and Shannon Reuss of Treefrog, Mike and Myszka Hall of Sierra Toy Soldier Company, Tim Tyler of Troops of Time, and Bill Sager of Sager's Toy Soldiers for sponsoring the dinner at the Chicago Show. Andy answered questions for about 0.5 hours.

A. Advertising? Advertising rates on History Channel are very expensive, so K&C is exploring other television channels and discussing joint ventures with dealers like Treefrog.

B. Warbirds? The planes from the Phillipines will remain very limited because the factory can only produce small batches. So far, Andy has been unhappy with the samples of more mass produced Warbirds.

C. Toys-R-Us and Walmarts? Several years ago, buyers from Toys-R-Us came to K&C. First, they stated they wanted 70% margins (i.e. K&C supplies sets at 30% of list price) and 180 days to pay invoices. Then they started to review the various K&C lines. Andy: "Well we can do cowboys and indians ... Toys-R-Us: "You mean "NATIVE AMERICANS" ... They continued to review all the lines that K&C made and could find nothing suitable. It is very hard to do business with big companies that only look at the bottom line.

D. Glossy? The answer now is "No" but who knows in the future.

E. Next releases.

1) Market Garden: 50% sets in Nov.: 3 figure set, 2 figure set, and lots of single sets. 50% of sets in Dec. (also 2 man PIAT team)

2) Have received master painted samples of ACW Confederate Action figures. Will do Union next.

3) For BOB, will do M5 High Speed Tractor. Will not do cannons like 155 mm or 8" howitzer because Andy feels 21st Century versions are very nice and collectors will use those cannons.

F. Number of sets usually made in a release? 500. For LAH, will order 2000 some times, then order 1000 more. For a Del Prado 1st issue, usually make 500,000 figures which Del Pradeo sells for introductory $1.99 (price was just an example), 2nd issue usually 400,000 sold at $2.99, 3rd issue 300,000 at $3.99 ... by the 8th issue, settle on 50,000 for remaining issues at $8.99. Over last 7 years, have made million and millions of figures for Del Prado.

G. Pacific Theater? IWJ did not do well so no plans to expand line -- it sold but not as expected. Will be doing four U.S. Navy Warbirds next year and may do some pilots, ground crew, and carrier crew figures.

H. Now that Figarti has done a E-boat, will K&C do a Nimitz carrier?:D
Before I summarize Andy's talk, I want to again thank Peter and Shannon Reuss of Treefrog, Mike and Myszka Hall of Sierra Toy Soldier Company, Tim Tyler of Troops of Time, and Bill Sager of Sager's Toy Soldiers for sponsoring the dinner at the Chicago Show. Andy answered questions for about 0.5 hours.

C. Toys-R-Us and Walmarts? Several years ago, buyers from Toys-R-Us came to K&C. First, they stated they wanted 70% margins (i.e. K&C supplies sets at 30% of list price) and 180 days to pay invoices. Then they started to review the various K&C lines. Andy: "Well we can do cowboys and indians ... Toys-R-Us: "You mean "NATIVE AMERICANS" ... They continued to review all the lines that K&C made and could find nothing suitable. It is very hard to do business with big companies that only look at the bottom line.

I just have a few notes to add about the question-and-answer session:

I believe that Andy was talking about FAO Schwartz and not Wal-Mart when he was talking about none of his toy soldier lines passing their PC muster.
A few other things that were discussed were that K&C will be involved in some capacity with the San Antonio show but that will not necessarilly mean that Andy will be able to be present himself.
K&C expects to release 10-12 warbirds per year.
Expect more American Rev releases in the 1st quarter of 2008.

Just so people are aware, this King & Country dinner in Chicago is not a forum event but is put on jointly by Sierra, Treefrog, Troops of Time and Sager's Toy Soldiers specifically for their customers as a thank you for their business and a chance for those collectors to meet and chat with Andy and the King & Country team.

I hope the Chicago-showgoers had as much fun as we did during the room trading and show. It takes an incredible amount of planning, hard work and effort on the part of Don Pielin the show coordinator and all the dealers (I am still amazed at how many shows George Guerriero does a year, often single-handedly--I couldn't do it without a big crew to assist me).
I hope to see all of you in Chicago in 2008!
Best regards,

As always, it was a pleasure to see you and Pete, and many thanks to you, Mike and Myska of Sierra, Bill Sager, and Tim Tyler for the dinner event. I certainly agree than the room trading was the highlight, as that is when you get to see everyone and have long chats about the hobby in general, not to mention finding the occasional treasure - many thanks to Woody (Oldcelt) and Darryl for making my show very productive - the Les Miserables Set (1996), the dismounted 8th Foot Officer (1989) and two never before seen Seaforth Officers (1991) will now be photographed for the book and included in Hans' and my collections.
... I believe that Andy was talking about FAO Schwartz and not Wal-Mart when he was talking about none of his toy soldier lines passing their PC muster.
A few other things that were discussed were that K&C will be involved in some capacity with the San Antonio show but that will not necessarilly mean that Andy will be able to be present himself.
K&C expects to release 10-12 warbirds per year.
Expect more American Rev releases in the 1st quarter of 2008 ...
Shannon is right, the buyers were from FAO Schwartz.:eek: Friday was incredibly exhausting with the Lunch with Figarti, room trading, and the dinner -- all on two hours of sleep.:D
Any news on the next batch of British naps?
Will there be more British in AWI?
Did Andy give any hints as to what the new American Rev figures would be?

King's Man
aNYOyone ask about Resistance figures!:D:confused:
I believe someone at the dinner suggested the Dutch freedom fighters that helped the Allies and Andy said he would look into it ... so maybe it will be a future possibility, but certainly not part of the Nov. and Dec. Arnhem releases.:)
Any news on the next batch of British naps?
Will there be more British in AWI?

On the subject of new and future releases, Andy only mentioned the lines that I reported: Market Garden, ACW, BOB, and some type of U.S. Navy figures for new Warbirds. Hopefully, Gordon will create an Essex flight deck (or part of one) to display these figures and Warbirds for the Chicago Show after it is commissioned by you know who.:D

Did Andy give any hints as to what the new American Rev figures would be?

King's Man

aNYOyone ask about Resistance figures!:D:confused:

Glad to hear about the ALAMO Figures! I was Told by a reliable source that Andy was willing to make a figure to honour every Alamo Defender if the Line sold well. I am collecting this line, and by the way, the Mexican Advancing is the best figure, for the money, ever made, bar none. I CALL ON EVERY Collector who has TEXAN or MEXICAN blood running through his/her veins (or wants to be an honorary TEXAN or MEXICAN like me) to buy this line and Remember the bravery and struggle for freedom and power that was the ALAMO!!

Did anyone ask about CUSTER??? (Yes Custer was stationed in Texas before he got himself in trouble) Seems to me that you can COMBO a ACW UNION Cavalry Line with a Custer Line and just add some Injuns - INSTANT LAST STAND!!! Andy - all those WWII fanatics already have second mortgages - us CUSTER Fans - and most of us are a shy bunch - have High Interest Bearing Certificates of Deposit waiting to be cashed in for some 7th Cavalry Troopers. Andy after you recover from the OTSN show, please let us know if (A) Custer is in the works or (B) a short term possibility or (C) long term possibility or (D) its proprietory information. I know you have competition and I respect getting a D!!

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