Another Mystery Band to ID (1 Viewer)


Private 2
Jan 29, 2020
This is from the same collection I asked about before. It appears to be Britain's figure and they have been repainted. The drum major has a red strip down his pants leg that might be US Marine type uniform, but that is only a guess. Hopefully someone will recognize what original owner was trying to depict. Thanks again for all the help.I can add more photos if that will help. mystery1.jpgmystery2.jpgmystery3.jpgmystery4.jpgmystery6.jpg
Thanks for posting the detail pictures! I couldn't see that red dot on the helmets before. I wonder if whoever painted these meant for them to depict a Soviet army band.

They definitely do not depict any US Marine band uniform, that I have ever seen, nor any dress or field uniform.

Britains collectors-does it look like the basic body is of a Soviet infantryman? I'll have to check my Britains references, but the helmet looks like it might be their sculpt of the Soviet helmet.

Though, it looks like the body has a tunic with a stand collar and patch pockets, like the Wehrmacht uniform. I wonder if that was the basic casting he used.

A good puzzle!

Most of the bandsmen are homecasts of the Red Army Infantry figure from Britains set 2032. The original figure has two shoulder pegs for the May Day Parade pose of rifle extended in front. This makes it a natural for conversion to a musician-holding-instrument pose. The side drummer is a little more complicated conversions, and the bass drummer and drum major are standard Britains figures with new heads.
Why say homecast? On the underside of the base, there are signs of two rectangular sprue gates, neatly placed at the bottom of each foot, right where Britains also had them - the larger circular spots on original bases, only one of which is visible on the casting photo. The half-cast bottom of the base is another clue. The odd angled cut of the base by each foot is in the original design. This was a new figure introduced in 1949, not used for any other set.
This band is a brilliant conversion, giving the necessary accompaniment for a proper May Day parade scene.
Here's a couple of pictures of massed Soviet infantry in need of a band to lead them. From an auction site.2032 Individuals.jpg2032 Massed parade [42pc].jpg
Mike thanks so much for the information, I would have never been able to come up with that explanation. What I couldn't understand was why the bottom markings were disturbed in such a way you couldn't make them out. Your explanation answers that question. With what you have explained to me and the knowledge of this forum, I will be able to tackle the rest of the collection.

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