I was wondering if it was feasible for K&C to produce troops of the SD. I feel that SD troops are rather unique with their uniforms which imo look rather smart with that black tie, orange shirt, field grey field blouses and peaked caps and also since K&C has produced other not so mainstream troops like the Handschar, medical troops and Cossacks, there is a chance that the SD might be produced? I know there is a long retired set "Gestapo arrest" which consists of an officer and a SD man. I saw the movie 'Unsere mütter unsere väter/Generation War' and was quite intrigued with the roles of the SD. Maybe a look-alike figure of Hiemer, the sadistic SD officer can also be made? SD troops also complement Geramn forces from throughout the war thus I feel that they are quite versatile. Maybe a group of them including a senior officer, NCO, an officer interrogating a partisan suspect and some SD men can be considered?
I was wondering if it was feasible for K&C to produce troops of the SD. I feel that SD troops are rather unique with their uniforms which imo look rather smart with that black tie, orange shirt, field grey field blouses and peaked caps and also since K&C has produced other not so mainstream troops like the Handschar, medical troops and Cossacks, there is a chance that the SD might be produced? I know there is a long retired set "Gestapo arrest" which consists of an officer and a SD man. I saw the movie 'Unsere mütter unsere väter/Generation War' and was quite intrigued with the roles of the SD. Maybe a look-alike figure of Hiemer, the sadistic SD officer can also be made? SD troops also complement Geramn forces from throughout the war thus I feel that they are quite versatile. Maybe a group of them including a senior officer, NCO, an officer interrogating a partisan suspect and some SD men can be considered?