Any more new hat sets in 1/32nd? (1 Viewer)

The last I heard (and on good authority) was that for the time being, HaT has suspended any future plans for its 1/32 line. Sad news, I know. But the sets produced did not sell as well as hoped and it was my understanding there are still some number of boxes from their more arcane sets still gathering dust.

There are a number of reasons some of the sets didn't sell but bottom line is the bottom line and HaT, for all it's enormous output is a small company. It is hoped that eventually, with the passing of time they might venture there again with some sets that are a bit more popular without doing the same old same old. I don't believe he is totally closed to the idea. As the Magic 8 Ball always says, "Anything is possible."
The last I heard (and on good authority) was that for the time being, HaT has suspended any future plans for its 1/32 line. Sad news, I know. But the sets produced did not sell as well as hoped and it was my understanding there are still some number of boxes from their more arcane sets still gathering dust.

There are a number of reasons some of the sets didn't sell but bottom line is the bottom line and HaT, for all it's enormous output is a small company. It is hoped that eventually, with the passing of time they might venture there again with some sets that are a bit more popular without doing the same old same old. I don't believe he is totally closed to the idea. As the Magic 8 Ball always says, "Anything is possible."
The autruchiens 1/32 sortiront'il someday? I can not wait eliott
Oldallamerican;678409.......... There are a number of reasons some of the sets didn't sell but bottom line is the bottom line and HaT said:
I'm guessing that they put too much effort into the smaller kingdoms than the major players. While the Russians and Prussians were covered, and there were some useful French units, there were no British or Austrians. Perhaps HaT thought that Airfix, Call to Arms, and Italieri had those subjects covered already. The left turn in 7 Years War Prussians was an open ended distraction. (I did buy a good number of those sets for Rev War Hessians.) I do like that HaT made a lot of parade ground marching poses with colors, musicians and officers. Warfare in that era did involve more marching and stiff poses than pistol waving cowboy and Sergeant Rock poses.
I agree with your opinion on the subject of Hat doing a lot of smaller kingdom armies. That being said, The headgear of the barvarians and wurttumbergers was immpossible to convert without costly metal purchases. So I was happy to buy several boxes of the marching and action poses of each kingdom. The MAC system, a good Hat idea by the way, allowed me to only buy what command I needed.

The French light infantry in the 4 box configuration saved even more money for me. If they had tried to put the same amount of each unit type in 1 box the number of boxes I needed to get the correct balance of troop type would have been costly.

Their sticking point seems to be how to fit everything on to the sprue. Not enough room for all the extra heads backpacks and arms. My solution is to simply make the figures they want to put into a set and cut up ths sprues so the figures and other bits fit in the box. On the Hat website the 1/72ers speak of painting the figures while still attached to the sprue. That is not nessassarily a must for us as the figures are large enough to hold while painting.

The other thing that slows production and costs more is the separate backpacks. I would rather get 1 piece figures than get nothing at all. I'll take a bit of blocking over not having new figures.

As far as cavalry goes they seem to be hung up on how to make the horse, whether 1 piece or 2. Horses have been made by other companies for a while now. The real question should be do you do the Timpo thing with separate horses saddle and figure, or the Italeri way with the saddle moulded on the horse or the AIP way with the saddle as part of the rider. Pros and cons for each style.

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