I can tell you on Monday what that is - been sworn to secrecy until then
What Facebook page did you find that on?
I can tell you on Monday what that is - been sworn to secrecy until then
What Facebook page did you find that on?
The model is a Siamese War Elephant circa 1866 used in Siamese-Burmese War IMO.
Htet; the third Burmese-Siamese war took place between 1885 and 1891. The Anglo-Burmese war took place in 1893. I can understand the confusion there were many Burmese-Siamese wars:
1547 to 49, 1759 to 60, 1765 to 67, 1785 to 86 and 1792.
Look at Olga Kropotova on Facebook! She is the painter. There you'll see the Siam elephant and the standard bearer I was talking about