Anyone Collect Star Wars? (1 Viewer)


1st Lieutenant
Sep 23, 2006
Was wondering if anyone on the Foum colelcted any Star Wars stuff?:)

I have tonnes, even got an original Vintage AT-AT!:)

Used to love this stuff!:D

Going to sell it when I'm older to fund my King and Country Bug!:D:eek::cool:;):cool::eek::D
I had pretty much everything when I was a kid (all original Star Wars, none of this prequel crappola)

AT-AT was cool and one of my favourite pieces, I like Boba Fett and Slave I and also the Tauntauns
Star Wars was and still is the best epic series ever PRODUCED!!!:cool:

Plus, Han and Chewbacca kicked Galactic Empire @$$!!!:eek::D:);)


I do not, but my younger brother, has many Star War figures and vehicles in the in original boxes. He does not collect SW now, the SW stuff is just sitting at the parents home. I was 14 at the time and to cool to collect SW stuff :eek:, my younger brother was 9 at the time so he got a lot of SW at the time.

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