April 2024 figure release (1 Viewer)

Gunn Miniatures

Command Sergeant Major
Jun 18, 2009
ACCPAK059B 75 MM Infantry Support Gun [Grey]

The 75 mm leichtes Infanteriegeschütz 18 (7.5 cm le.IG 18) was an infantry support gun used by German forces during WW2. Developed by Rheinmetall in the 1920s to provide close artillery support for infantry units, the gun stayed in production from 1932 to 1945, with over 12,000 being manufactured. The gun had an armoured shield to protect the crew when deployed, it could fire a shell weighing 6 kilograms at a rate up to 12 rounds per minute with a maximum range of more than 3500 metres.

Priced at $55/£50 each.


Restocks for April 2024

There has been a limited number of restocks, including a few of the female Roman slave figures, plus SS134A - SS MG34 Team
SS135A - SS Officer Kneeling Pointing in Summer Camo
That's all folks for this month, we hope you enjoyed our offerings.

The Team @ Gunn
ACCPAK036B Pak 36 37MM AT Gun [Grey]

The Pak 36 was a 37mm German WW2 AT Gun and was the main anti-tank weapon of German units until 1942. First issued in 1936 to the German Army, at the outbreak of the war there were over 9,000 in service, with over 5000 manufactured during the war. With another 6,000 exported and copied by the Soviet Union, M1932 (19K).

Priced at $55/£50 each.

SS155A. SS Trooper Shot - MP40
SS155B. SS Trooper Shot - Stg44

Paying the ultimate price, this SS trooper is shot and falls never to rise again.

Both figure types are priced at $55/£50 each.



SS154A. SS Trooper Charging Port Arms - Helmet
SS154B. SS Trooper Charging Port Arms - Cap

Going forward, ready to take it to the enemy, this SS soldier moves to support the rest of his section in the fighting.

Both figure types are priced at $55/£50 each.


WW2 SS Releases.

The Marching SS, and Heer figures have been some of our most popular releases over the last 3 years. We have not finished with marching Germans, however, this month sees the release of SS combat figures.
They make an excellent addition to the previous groupings and look outstanding as they move forward, supported by the prone SS MG gunners and mortar teams released last year an still available in limited numbers.

SS153A. SS Trooper Charging with Rifle and Bayonet - Helmet
SS153B. SS Trooper Charging with Rifle and Bayonet - Cap

Moving at pace, taking the battle to the enemy and charging forward with a bayonet attached to his rifle.

Both figure styles are priced at $55/£50 each.




RAF006B ATA Amy Johnson

Amy Johnson Born 1 July 1903 – disappeared 5 January 1941
Amy Johson will forever be an icon of flying. With her flying exploits pre WW II well documented, with most famously flying solo from the UK to Australia in 1930. When WW II began the company she worked for was taken over by the air ministry and in May 1940 Johnson joined the newly formed ATA, transporting RAF aircraft around the country. On January 5[SUP]th[/SUP] 1941, while flying an Airspeed Oxford, Johnson went off course in adverse weather conditions. Reportedly out of fuel, she bailed out, the aircraft crashed into the Thames Estuary near Herne Bay. A ship from a passing convoy diverted after see her parachute, but weather was too bad, the tide was strong and it was freezing cold in the water. Ropes were thrown out to her, but she could not grab them and was lost under the ship. A second body was seen in the water, HMS Haslemere Captain, Lt Cmdr Walter Fletcher, dived into the water, got to the body, but they were dead. By the time Fletcher was recused he was unconscious and die in hospital a few days later, Fletcher was posthumously awarded the Albert Medal in May 1941. There has always been some controversy surrounding what happened, that she was shot down by an RAF pilot after failing to give the correct radio signals.
As a member of the ATA with no known grave (her body was never recovered), Johnson is commemorated, under the name of Amy V. Johnson, by the Commonwealth War Graves Commission on the Memorial at Runnymede. Johnson's watertight flying bag, her log book and cheque book later washed up and were recovered near the crash site.



The figure is priced at $55/£50.
ROM173A Praetorian Imaginifer

The Praetorian Imaginifer carrier the Standard bearing the Emperor's image, as a constant reminder to the legions to where their loyalty and who they were fighting for.

This figure is priced at $55/£50.
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ROM172A Praetorian Defending With Pilum - Gold Pattern Shield
ROM172B Praetorian Defending With Pilum - Silver Pattern Shield

Both figures are priced at $55 each. Waiting for his opportunity against the Emperor's enemy, the Praetorian defends himself behind his shield and uses his pilum to keep the enemy at bay.

Both style figures are priced at $55/£50 each.


ROM171A Praetorian Thrusting Pilum - Gold Pattern Shield
ROM171B Praetorian Thrusting Pilum - Silver Pattern Shield

As a gap appears, the Praetorian takes his chance to thrust his Pilum forward to dispatch an enemy combatant and clear his way forward and onward for the Emperor.

Both style figures are priced at $55/£50 each.

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ROM170A Praetorian Launching Pilum - Blue Shield - Gold Pattern
ROM170B Praetorian Launching Pilum - Blue Shield - Silver Pattern

Launching his Pilum into the massed rank of attackers, before taking up his Gladius against the Emperor's enemies.

Both figures are priced at $55/£50 each.

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Welcome to the April 2024 release newsletter, we are not fooling around this month, as we have releases from our two most popular ranges, Roman and WW2 Germans. Plus a new RAF figure of probably the most famous British female pilot of all time, Amy Johnson.

We are working on some new vehicles and figure ranges. To increase current ranges and to expand ranges we have not released figures for a while, while still developing completely new ranges.

We are close to completing the US Artillery Piece, the crew, and the US Truck. The next few months will see the release of some new Luftwaffe figures and a new tank that was the workhorse for the German army in WW2.

All these items are now on our website and will be available for dispatch by Friday 12th April 2024, if not sooner.
Great releases this month. I hope to grab some Praetorians before they sell out...
Best Wishes
Paddy for Pat & Paddy
Love the new fighting Praetorians. Hmmm... have to decide on a shield pattern.
New SS Troopers look great as well. Appreciate the new fighting/charging poses. Now we just need some new US Troops for a combat scene.
Excellent line-up this month!
Thanks TG. :salute::
Wow, the fighting Praetorians are a must. I have ordered two of each of the fighting figures. Ignoring the signifier as i have one of all the other previous releases. This signifier is similar to the last i purchased except for the face mask.
i am all in on the action
I may have to break out the Praetorian ship again:



i am all in on the action
Sounds like you are, Jas. Look forward to seeing your Roman dio.
The new releases arrive today into stock, we will be distributing shortly, some items are already getting low please note such as the Praetorian Imaginifer.

Thank you!
The new releases arrive today into stock, we will be distributing shortly, some items are already getting low please note such as the Praetorian Imaginifer.

Thank you!
Got my Praetirians today. Fantastic figures. Grab em while you can as they will be much sought after in the future.

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