Like the new Jeep with the 3 GIs and the other BBA Jeep with recon armoured sides, have one and will be getting the other one, but was thinking of the opportunities. Jeep with 4 GIs in it or are they GIs........ in the range return to the Germans dressed as GIs, I have read a lot on how they were recognised through there being 4 in a jeep instead of 3 soldiers.......possible..... diorama could be GIs at a roadblock questioning other GIs in the jeep etc.
The other one is the armoured jeep with a bazooka on the plinth in the jeep, there is a great picture of one in the Concorde Publishing book on the battle. A captured jeep with Germans in, would look great in a mixed convoy.
Have been to the Ardennes a few time for a battlefield tour [by myself as I feel I see more] and will be going again in 2016. Have met a few likeminded people there and it was always good to discuss these things, such as the 'blue scarf' recognition of Germans, with a few people there feeling the scarves were looted scarves from a house and that was why they, well some of them, wore the blues scarves.
The other one is the armoured jeep with a bazooka on the plinth in the jeep, there is a great picture of one in the Concorde Publishing book on the battle. A captured jeep with Germans in, would look great in a mixed convoy.
Have been to the Ardennes a few time for a battlefield tour [by myself as I feel I see more] and will be going again in 2016. Have met a few likeminded people there and it was always good to discuss these things, such as the 'blue scarf' recognition of Germans, with a few people there feeling the scarves were looted scarves from a house and that was why they, well some of them, wore the blues scarves.