Armies-in-Plastic 6 additional playsets (1 Viewer)

steve weston

Private 2
Feb 11, 2009
I see that there are now 6 additional playsets from A-I-P, all look like good value for money (which is exactly what we all want right now), with the Fort Tamai and Tel-el-Kabir looking like clear favourites, as both have so many different items crammed into them.

Using the foam trenches combined with artillery and infantry figures is another great idea, the trenches are well designed and very detailed.

Even on their own, the trenches represent excellent value for money.

It will be interesting to see what new releases come from Tony this year, as I cannot think of another manufacturer that has such a vast range of figures.
Please give us some Civil War navy landing party and some Union Infantry in sack coats.
I see that there are now 6 additional playsets from A-I-P, all look like good value for money (which is exactly what we all want right now), with the Fort Tamai and Tel-el-Kabir looking like clear favourites, as both have so many different items crammed into them.

Using the foam trenches combined with artillery and infantry figures is another great idea, the trenches are well designed and very detailed.

Even on their own, the trenches represent excellent value for money.

It will be interesting to see what new releases come from Tony this year, as I cannot think of another manufacturer that has such a vast range of figures.
We should be hearing soon from AIP their figure releases; I know what I'm hoping for but I won't jinx it. I think a lot of us will be happy.
Agreed! Would really like to see ACW Naval landing party. Other than that a whole new period they haven't done yet. Either something Medieval or WW2/Post War conflicts.
Agreed! Would really like to see ACW Naval landing party. Other than that a whole new period they haven't done yet. Either something Medieval or WW2/Post War conflicts.

I hope AIP stays within 1700 to WW I myself. WW I isn't finished and perhaps AIP could go like Britain Ltd and have the British Changing of the Guard with bands.
I,ll repeat as I,ve posted this before. But Tony, owner of AIP has told me he has numerous and I mean numerous, prototypes already done for all kinds of new figures. Being somewhat skeptical I talked to Steve Weston at this years OTSN and he confirmed the above info as fact as he has seen the prtotypes himself. He said the best ones were WW 1 artillary. Would I like that!
So AIP just needs China to cooperate.

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