Armies In Plastic Camel Sets on Sale (2 Viewers)


Mar 4, 2011
If you go to the Armies in Plastic site under Special Sets, you can find some good prices on their Soudan War Camel sets. A reasonable way to amass armies to fight the Dervishes.

For instance I ordered 2 sets of the Khaki Anglo-Egyptian figures which has the following in each set

Camel Corps Specials - Anglo-Egyptian Camel Corps -1885 Khaki Dress

Item #: 5719

1 set #5630 – 1 officer & 3 men mounted
2 sets #5631 – 4 men mounted (add-on set)
1 set #5632 – 2 men mounted & 2 pack camels
1 set #5633 – 2 men mounted & 2 camels with screw gun
All men in khaki brown, camels in butterscotch and screw gun in dark green

You can get each set for $36 which for 5 boxes is a great deal. They also have other colors and figures including a British one in red. Order 2 sets or more and get free shipping.
AIP for Arthur Conan Doyle The Tragedy of the Korosko

A great use of the new AIP khaki Egyptian Camel figures would be to recreate the 1898 Arthur Conan Doyle story The Tragedy of the Korosko, where British and American tourists are kidnapped by Dervishes and eventually rescued by British officered Egyptian Camel Corps.

The 1885 Egyptian/Anglo khaki infantry could certainly be used for dismounted Camel Corps men.

A source would be needed for the male and female civilians. I have not read the book for a while but copies are available.
Re: AIP for Arthur Conan Doyle The Tragedy of the Korosko

A great use of the new AIP khaki Egyptian Camel figures would be to recreate the 1898 Arthur Conan Doyle story The Tragedy of the Korosko, where British and American tourists are kidnapped by Dervishes and eventually rescued by British officered Egyptian Camel Corps.

The 1885 Egyptian/Anglo khaki infantry could certainly be used for dismounted Camel Corps men.

A source would be needed for the male and female civilians. I have not read the book for a while but copies are available.

The novel is available free online here:

also lots more ACD and other authors' writings on the site

Another interesting book is "With the Camel Corps Up the Nile" - Count Gleichen's memoir of the Gordon Relief Expedition. It includes quite a bit of detail about the Camel Corps. It's also available free online here:
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