Armies in Plastic's Warp Factor (1 Viewer)

Cheval 52

Nov 17, 2007
Did Armies in Plastic ever do away with the gawd awful idea of attaching hollow bases to their figures? :mad::mad::mad:

The flat base WWI French Infantry set was great but the hollow base WWI American Infantry was a complete disaster. Within a year half of the figures were unable to stand due to severe warping of the base, it's a shame because the sculpting wasn't too bad.

In the immortal words of the late American Comedian Steve Allen:

"It isn't Bad, it isn't Good"
I have 90% of their plastic sets, and it was only one that has warped. That set appeared to be made of a different, softer plastic.
Sure wish he would do more WW1 sets, they are my favorites.

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