Army Museum, South Queensland (1 Viewer)


Private 1st Class
May 12, 2013
This is a 120cm x 60cm (approx) vignette which I created for an upcoming display by the Army Museum, South Queensland, entitled: "The Australian Light Horse in World War I"

It uses 10 men, 5 horses, 2 tents, and a dog. The story it tells is best expressed in the "Story Board" which will be displayed next to the vignette.

As you can see, I am not a photographer; I apologise. I hope the images convey the meaning.

Happy Collecting,


ALH 120x60 B.JPG
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The system won't let me attach the "Story Board" so I will retype it

Early Morning in the Bivouac
of the Advanced Screen of the Desert Mounted Column,
Sinai,September 1917

Just after dawn and the men are already preparing for another long day in the saddle. The Section detailed off as forward scouts are enjoying what will be their last cup of tea before they make camp that night.

One soldier who is eager to get going, has finished his tea and is saddling up.

The mounted Sergeant, who will be OIC of the forward scout section is receiving his last detailed instructions from the Intelligence Officer.

The Signals section, having used the first rays of sunshine to send a signal, by heliograph, back to the main body of the Desert Mounted Column, are now recording the reply.

The sentries, who have been on watch since 0400hrs, know that they will sleep well tonight, but are thankful that nothing happened at dawn. They remain vigilant, anything can happen out here.

In a few hours,everything in this wadi will have returned to normal, there will be little to indicate that the Australian Light Horse passed this way.​


Happy Collecting

Fantastic! Congrats ....
Gives a great sense of the land and all the sandy desert that meant...
Great back story to go with the scene. The tents look good. Although I love all this series, I am partial to that signal set, in fact I have 2. Robin.
Great back story to go with the scene. The tents look good. Although I love all this series, I am partial to that signal set, in fact I have 2. Robin.

Hi Villagehorse,

The story was part of the planning process. With this series the problem was not what to put in but what to leave out.

The tents are JG Mins Bell Tents, somewhat "embellished", that was a slow and careful process! But worth it. I agree about the heliograph set. Though I feel the Number 2 should be writing on a "Signal Pad", not a map?

Glad you like it. There is more in the pipeline!

Happy Collecting,


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