ATKM Wargame Rules 2nd edition (1 Viewer)


Private 2
Sep 13, 2007
I'm not sure if tis is the best spot for this post, but here goes:

We at All the King's Men are pleased to announce that the second edition of our self-titled wargame rules are now available. "ATKM" is a horse-and musket rules set intended for use with 54mm figures to play large-scale battles, not just skirmishes.

While we loved the first ed, it was primarily a mano-a-mano game while this revision is intended for multi-player and convention games. In fact, we used these rules to run a 14-player AWI game at Cold Wars 2009. It took less than 3 hours to teach and play!

Guys familiar with the first ed will see the same basic mechanics. We now offer more options, and a set of basic rules and advanced rules. The latter can be added to the basics a la carte as you get fluent with the game. Also included are three sample battles with OOBs, two from the American Revolution and one from the War of 1812.

You can see the rules as a free pdf download on the All the King's Men site:

A hardcopy is also available with a rules summary card. Just scroll down slightly here:

Let us know what you think!

Ken Cliffe
All the King's Men Toy Soldiers
Ken...I only just finished the first edition, and I still have not played a game (but I would love to)! To some, no doubt, 54mm war gaming must seem a bit cumbersome...but frankly, I am really looking forward to it (gives all that painting a real sense of purpose)! Feel free to invite me down to play the ATKM table!
Hey, Nick! The first edition is fun, too! Heaven knows I've played many, many games with it. The second just builds upon what's possible in the first. Historicon in PA is coming up, which might be a split difference between us! We run games at our booth all show long.

Hey, Nick! The first edition is fun, too! Heaven knows I've played many, many games with it. The second just builds upon what's possible in the first. Historicon in PA is coming up, which might be a split difference between us! We run games at our booth all show long.


When is that show? Michael
I would really like to go to this, Ken. Preregistration is closed, but if I thought I could get a game in, I would drive from New Hampshire to do it. I have a tape measure!!! Man, I better get painting!
If you can come out to the show, you're guaranteed to have fun, Nick. There are hundreds of games underway all weekend. The ones we stage are actually small demos held at our vendor booth. In years past we've staged huge ones in the gaming halls, but with a new venue this year I'm flying in low and trying not to commit to too much. All figures would be provided at our little games!

Ok, Ken...I am booking a flight and hotel. What would be the best two days to be there, and where can I find you?
Cool, Nick! I look forward to seeing you. Any of the 4 days are great. Sunday winds down at noon, so perhaps Friday and Sat? ATKM will be in the vendor hall, immediately left inside the main doors. I say that in theory, however, since this is the first time the show has been at King of Prussia, so it's all new territory to everyone.


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