ATKM Website Update (1 Viewer)


Private 2
Sep 13, 2007

May has already begun so I'm overdue with an ATKM website update. I just got back from Recon, a wargaming convention in Flordia. It was a fun show, with many, many games played and almost too much fun had. I have some booth and demo game pics here:

Hopefully forthcoming will be some shots of the 8-player AWI game we had Saturday night using the ATKM rules. I left my camera back at the room, so hope for the kindness of participants to gets some pics.

Our Completed Projects page has also been updated. Included are War of 1812 civilian militia, US Marines, a Maryland color bearer, and a glimpse at our forthcoming mounted militia. These last figures could be used throughout the first half of the 19th century. We have them painted as Kentucky volunteers from the War of 1812. They'll be available by end of month. You can see it all here:

Coming up over Memorial Day weekend will be Nashcon, in Nashville, TN. We'll be there, playing games and offering 54mm wares. Come check it out:

As always, we're on Facebook and make even more frequent posts there. Feel free to join:

Let me know what you think about anything you see here.

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