AWI British & Highlanders (2 Viewers)


Private 2
Sep 13, 2007

I'd just like to announce that All the King's Men Toy Soldiers has released 4 sets of British troops for the American Revolution. They include:

Infantry in winters gaiters
Highlanders in gaiter-trousers and tams (late war)
Light infantry in peaked caps

A couple pics are attached here, but you can see more on the ATKM website:
(Just scroll about halfway down the page to the "New" sunbursts.)

Figures are 54mm and cast in metal. They come bagged, unpainted, for wargamers and collectors. The release of these figures now extends our AWI line to British, Continentals, Hessians and cavalry, all of various types. Forthcoming will be British grenadiers/fusiliers. We also offer simple, fun rules for re-fighting horse-and-musket battles with your toys. They're free as a download on the above site.


Ken Cliffe


  • ATKMBritishInfantry.jpg
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  • Highlanders1.11.08.JPG
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Hi, Ken,

Excellent, thanks for posting the new release! The Highlanders look good, and I think they could also pass for 1756, too, couldn't they?

Did you paint the examples in the photos?

Guys, I have some of Ken's figures, I recommend them highly to anyone who paints his own.

I also really like these figures. I purchased a bag of continental infantry from Ken at the HMGS convention a few weeks ago and now I am working on painting them up. I cant wait to get enough units painted to do some gamming.
Thanks for your kind words, Brad and Bryan! I'm pretty happy with these new releases. The highland soldier might be used for F&I War as well. I confess I haven't looked too closely. I have heard it suggested that he could be used as a ranger from that period.

The painted figures are by me. I'm in transition between painting styles -- something not quite the white-primer method, and something not quite the black-primer method. I'm pleased with the results, though!

Interesting, is the black lining from a pen or are you paining in blocks? What color did you use for the flesh?
Interesting, is the black lining from a pen or are you paining in blocks? What color did you use for the flesh?

I'm still white-priming, which for me means painting in blocks and then following up with washes. I then follow all that up with a fine-tipped pen for the lining. I have yet to come to grips with black priming and painting up to cracks and crevices, but stopping. That just seems counterintuitive to me, though others' use of it looks great to me. Plus, with white-priming I still get nice bright colors versus of the dull ones typical with black-priming.

For flesh, I do a base coat of a light pink for Caucasians, followed by a wash of a medium flesh tone or a pale brown.

Hope that helps!

Excellent figures Ken, I also saw the write up in TSC about your mounted figures. They look great also !! :)
Yes, I think the figure in the middle of the Highlander picture could easily be converted to a Ranger, with the coatee, and wearing buckskin leggings. He's similar to the old Monogram/Verite figure of one of Rogers' Rangers. And a little putty, and you can add the beaded wampum haversack, and a powder horn.

I think the kilted figure would pass, too, there wasn't much change in the uniform from the 1750s through the 1780s. Not till we get to the middle of the Napoleonic Wars, if I am not mistaken.


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