How to make a castle background for a ECW Round Head.....Two empty tins,,,cardboard.......Step One........obtain a picture to model castle from ( hope castle is not covered by any form of copy write and you aint stealing someone's idea),,,,,,,,step two......cut out gate and opening in cardboard ...........next step is rolling out plasticine to cover tins and cardboard and mark bricks etc into facing.....instead of plasticine a special mix of icing sugar can be used if you wanted to make a permanent building......also....plasticine is good for casting flat resin walls...aint figured out to cast a curved surface yet..but the whole castle front ...using plasticine as the mold...could be cast in reslin and joined together (once you figger out how to cast a curved mold)...will post further pic's as I get into rolling and modelling the plasticine........cheers TomB