bad service at home for italy (1 Viewer)


Private 1st Class
Feb 25, 2006
the italian collectors in italy are treated very bad by the home dealers, bad price(overcharge)bad service etc. etc.

i continue to buy my stuff from u.s.a

i love you america

Interesting Max

We get a lot of Italian customers coming to us, who say the same about the service in Italy.

Interesting Max

We get a lot of Italian customers coming to us, who say the same about the service in Italy.

and think this, your prices is not competitive cause the change respect u.s.,but i believe your service is with a real smile

in this country the dealer make all to loose the customers

Oddly enough, I have been trying to buy something from an Italian dealer the last couple of weeks without luck. Not even responding after telling me he had the item in stock. I'm always amazed how difficult many people make it to take your money - and its not limited to Italy by a long shot.
We at Treefrog have considered making all our customers do the following before placing an order:

1) Give us the secret password
2) Show the secret handshake
3) Defeat Lucy the Wondercat in pitched battle
4) Provide three notarized documents proving that you are worthy of the toy soldiers that we would sell you. One must be signed by the spouse or significant other.

Then, and only then, would they be able to order (unless black-mail photos of Tony at K&C UK are provided, in which case the above would be waived).

What do you think of that program? :eek:

Customer service seems like such a simple concept...
We at Treefrog have considered making all our customers do the following before placing an order:

1) Give us the secret password
2) Show the secret handshake
3) Defeat Lucy the Wondercat in pitched battle
4) Provide three notarized documents proving that you are worthy of the toy soldiers that we would sell you. One must be signed by the spouse or significant other.

Then, and only then, would they be able to order (unless black-mail photos of Tony at K&C UK are provided, in which case the above would be waived).

What do you think of that program? :eek:

Customer service seems like such a simple concept...

Only if and only if, my address is the only address you ship all of Treefrog's orders to :rolleyes:
We at Treefrog have considered making all our customers do the following before placing an order:

1) Give us the secret password
2) Show the secret handshake
3) Defeat Lucy the Wondercat in pitched battle
4) Provide three notarized documents proving that you are worthy of the toy soldiers that we would sell you. One must be signed by the spouse or significant other.

Then, and only then, would they be able to order (unless black-mail photos of Tony at K&C UK are provided, in which case the above would be waived).

What do you think of that program? :eek:

Customer service seems like such a simple concept...

Oddly enough, I have been trying to buy something from an Italian dealer the last couple of weeks without luck. Not even responding after telling me he had the item in stock. I'm always amazed how difficult many people make it to take your money - and its not limited to Italy by a long shot.


The same thing happened to me with an Italian dealer.

The only think he had to do to complete the transaction was to calculate the shipping fees and send me the total for the transaction.

No news since one month.

Oddly enough, I have been trying to buy something from an Italian dealer the last couple of weeks without luck. Not even responding after telling me he had the item in stock. I'm always amazed how difficult many people make it to take your money - and its not limited to Italy by a long shot.
is better for this guys if they go to sell icecream on the beach

I have bought from Stefano Allorini in Saimex:

He is ok, but doesn't update his website as regularly as desirable, and the euro:dollar rate means that I'm buying from the USA at present.

I have also bought quite a few items from Massimo Perencin of Il Modellismo:

As with Saimex, the exchange rate has pushed the prices beyond my tolerance level, but I found him ok. In fact he sold me a WS57 once for a very good price on shipping due to a delay with previous orders.

I bought a Roman arch from Felix in ItalianKits a while back:

The exchange rate though would cause anyone to faint at the prospect of buying from him now.

Of the other Italian dealers perhaps I'm not the only one but StickToy of Milan refuse to answer any queries about what they have in stock:

It would be interesting to know if they have any of the AK13/20 WS27/28 etc in stock. I'll refrain from any adverse comment, as there are spamfilters etc that can easily result in an online seller losing business inadvertently.

There are smaller dealers with one or two items, eg HobbyAlba:

Also a Fantasia Modellismo in Varese with limited K&C stock:

However, I tend to buy from quite a few different American, Australian and European dealers. I wouldn't rate the Italians as the worst by any stretch of the imagination. AND REMEMBER: if you don't buy Russian miniatures you don't know what 'poor customer service' can truly mean!
We at Treefrog have considered making all our customers do the following before placing an order:....

4) Provide three notarized documents proving that you are worthy of the toy soldiers that we would sell you. One must be signed by the spouse or significant other.

Houston, we have a problem...:eek:

I saw that too Simon - We conduct secret K&C buying in Washington - with an occassional bone thrown to make them believe they know all....;)
We at Treefrog have considered making all our customers do the following before placing an order:

1) Give us the secret password
2) Show the secret handshake
3) Defeat Lucy the Wondercat in pitched battle
4) Provide three notarized documents proving that you are worthy of the toy soldiers that we would sell you. One must be signed by the spouse or significant other.

Then, and only then, would they be able to order (unless black-mail photos of Tony at K&C UK are provided, in which case the above would be waived).

What do you think of that program? :eek:

Customer service seems like such a simple concept...

I am more than happy to supply photo's of Tony for the purpose of black mail........what else are brother for?!?:D
Secod thoughts I think he has better material about me than I do of him!:eek:
i dont make name because i'm a lord.........................................................................................................................

Lets not go there matey!!! you know i do have better pics!

Peter unfortunatly you will never have anything on me i am cleaner than a cleaner thing that has won a cleaner award! Dont drink, dont smoke! OK well i Fib a little i like to drink.

This is an interesting subject actually.

The exchange rate is always a good one, and it is great that there is now the ability to sell around the world so easily and more importantly to be able to buy around the world. If only the dreaded import tax man did not exsist.

Just talking with Mike about a few things around this subject and i think what you will find is not everyone carrys an infantry like some of the bigger dealers of K&C and as such they do not respond as they are trying to the product from HK. A lot of K&C Dealers!!!! (loosly) say they have an item and sell it before they even have it.

In fact in europe (not naming names) we have even been asked to supply a couple fo times as the dealer who had SOLD an item actually did not have it and was still to order it from HK. And they get it in by ship therefore taking another three weeks from there. They wanted US to supply it and they would replace our stock when the item came in!!!!!!


You can't go wrong with K&C UK,service with a smile and a Mars Bar!;)

You can't go wrong with K&C UK,service with a smile and a Mars Bar!;)

i'm sure about this...

if you are a good retailer and aids your customers they return from you,

enough once that features badly people and you lose the confidence

the italian collectors are forced to move out of italy to buy their stuff

i like very much mars and bounty

You can't go wrong with K&C UK,service with a smile and a Mars Bar!;)


and a bit of a cough and a splutter at the moment!:(

And thats nothing to do with Mike's 10 a day habit!!:D


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