Banning AR-15 ammo in USA (1 Viewer)

Go for Broke

Sergeant Major
Jun 18, 2008
I heard this on a radio show today. Is this true or a rumor? If true, is this a proposal or actually happening? I heard it was an executive order.
I find it difficult to believe that someone would try to ban 5.56mm or .223 ammo. That would be next to impossible to enforce.

I find it hard to believe myself. It may be new sales of ammo. I hope I'm not starting rumors. If the government wanted to curtail this, I would think they would heavily tax ammo, like cigarettes.
I saw an online article yesterday. The proposed ban is for the M855 military ammo. There appears to be an AR-15 handgun, which is illegal to shoot armor piercing M855 round. Thus the proposed ban. However, M855 is not, based on the article, armor piercing. I know nothing about this bullet. Maybe DMNamiot can weigh in.
Hi Guys

Here is some information I dug up on line and hope will help understand why this ammunition isnt or at least wasnt considered AP in the past. The issue of it being used in a hand gun is another topic that I will look into because I am unfamiliar with the weapon in question but I will talk to my friend in Atlanta and see what he says and let you know.

The term “armor piercing ammunition” means-

(i) a projectile or projectile core which may be used in a handgun and which is constructed entirely (excluding the presence of traces of other substances) from one or a combination of tungsten alloys, steel, iron, brass, bronze, beryllium copper, or depleted uranium; or

(ii) a full jacketed projectile larger than .22 caliber designed and intended for use in a handgun and whose jacket has a weight of more than 25 percent of the total weight of the projectile.

A few things to take note of is that the classification as “armor piercing” is for bullets only, not the complete cartridge. Despite the mention of handgun caliber above, you can take that to mean that it’s a round that has been made as a handgun caliber at some point.

The bullet (projectile) must also have a core made entirely out of the metals listed above, or be a full jacketed bullet with a jacket weighing more than 25% of its overall weight. This means that the SS109/M855 bullets wouldn’t be covered, as their cores are partly steel, and partly lead. Lead isn’t listed in the metals above. Furthermore, as you’ll see in the list below, the ATF has specifically stated that the SS109/M855 bullets are exempted from AP status.

ATF AP Classified Rounds

All KTW, ARCANE, and THV ammo
Czech made 9mm Para. with steel core
German made 9mm Para. with steel core
MSC .25 ACP with brass bullet
BLACK STEEL armor and metal piercing ammunition
7.62mm NATO AP and SLAP
PMC ULTRAMAG with brass bullet (not copper)
OMNISHOCK .38 Special with steel core
7.62×39 ammo with steel core bullets

ATF Exempted Rounds

5.56 SS109 and M855 NATO rounds, with steel penetrator tip.
.30-06 M2 AP ammo

I will see what else I can dig up. But this seems like the administration has over stepped here.


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