Battle of Monongahela Flanking Parties (1 Viewer)


Master Sergeant
Nov 4, 2007
At the Battle of Monongahela, Braddock took great care as it regards flank protection. More than a 1/3 of his troops were dedicated to the task. On each flank of the advanced party under Gage, there were two large 30-man flanking parties and three smaller parties of a sergeant and 10 men (130 out of the 300 or so men under Gage). Another 30 or so regulars were positioned somewhat in the front of the van. There were similar flanking parties surrounding the main body. Braddock cannot really be criticized for the lack of flank protection, but in the new volume The Battle of the Monongahela and the Road to Revolution (David Preston, 2015), the author does heavily criticize Braddock for the near lack of advance scouting on the day of the battle.
The flanking parties were either overrun or quickly dissolved, falling back on the main column, adding to the confusion. Those few flanking parties that tried to hold their ground suffered heavily from friendly fire.
I believe all the Indian figures are by John Jenkins or Frontline/Jenkins plus there are two of my favorite Conte figures stashed somewhere on the shelf. There is also a Frontline British Officer. Trees are by Department 56 and the downed logs by Britain.

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My apologies,

A few photos are near duplicates, but timer proved too short difficult to delete.
clear crisp photos Ken...

I know that is just a fraction of your collection...

but it looks great!
Your set up looks very nice Ken. I am also reading the book "Braddock's Defeat" and I'm enjoying it immensely. I noticed a repaint among your figures---the guy squatting down with the pistol. Looks like the collector's club figure of the guy who came with the dead horse. He was originally a VA regiment guy, wasn't he? Did you do the repaint? It mixes in quite well.


Nope, it is a similar figure, but that figure in the photo is an original Frontline release (35th Regiment). Factory painted. I use that Frontline piece as the JJD's BoM line is acutely short of regular officers. Which reminds me that we desperately need a Thomas Gage Collectors Club Figure (Lt. Col. 44th and later American Revolution, British Boston Commander).

I very much miss the Frontline FIW releases, the Royal Roussillon series was simply outstanding, beautiful release. The "personalities" released for the FIW were also great figures and releases, some of my favorite FIW releases, regardless of manufacturer. The "personality figures" are very close if not dead ringers to several painted illustrations in Osprey volumes, wonderfully sculpted. The best the James Wolfe figure is Frontline.


I am totally faking it with the photos. Taking photos is still very much a hit or miss for me. Many of the photos are done with the zoom on to generate a tighter F-stop, widening the field of focus. So instead of being close to the figures, you a standing several feet away, praying that the camera is tricked into using the narrower F-stop which means a longer exposure and more opportunity to shake!!! I would easily say for every decent photo, there are 5 - 10 that are horrid. Lack of any appreciable Depth of Field is my major problem.

Everyone find the two Conte releases ??? They are very nice sculptures and much closer to 60 MM than 54 MM. In general, I much prefer the early Conte releases based both on sculpting and figure size. Whoever did those early Conte sculpts was very talented.
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Everyone find the two Conte releases ??? They are very nice sculptures and much closer to 60 MM than 54 MM. In general, I much prefer the early Conte releases based both on sculpting and figure size. Whoever did those early Conte sculpts was very talented.


to a JJD FIW collector...
they stick out like a sore thumb...^&grin

but in a good way...
both are very attractive additions to your collection...

in both painting an scale...

I'm guessing Robert Ortiz did those for Richard...but not sure...he is very's a shame Conte is not producing more...

ps...I throw away more pics than I publish...about the same ratio...5 to 1...


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There are two Conte Indians and a Frontline British Officer. You correctly identified two of the three, the third is still out there!!!
maybe about these guys...


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In the upper right of the top picture Mike there is an indian with his arms streched up with a knife in one hand and a scalp in another.That is Conte.
We must have more of these: "Where's Waldo?

But both Macro and Mike are mistaken on their IDs. The two figures outlined in Post 9 are early Frontline/Jenkins releases. The Indian holding the scalp is a recent JJD release. The second Conte Indian remains unidentified.
Except for the paint scheme as I look at it closer that sure looked like the Conte pose.So much for my expertise.^&grin
I very much miss the Frontline FIW releases, the Royal Roussillon series was simply outstanding, beautiful release. The "personalities" released for the FIW were also great figures and releases, some of my favorite FIW releases, regardless of manufacturer. The "personality figures" are very close if not dead ringers to several painted illustrations in Osprey volumes, wonderfully sculpted. The best the James Wolfe figure is Frontline.

Ken, I totally agree with you about the Frontline figures, Personalities, Roussillon and Black Watch are among my favorites. It's a shame that they left the business, and the FIW in particular.
...the Conte Indian is the one below?!?!


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Ken, I totally agree with you about the Frontline figures, Personalities, Roussillon and Black Watch are among my favorites. It's a shame that they left the business, and the FIW in particular.
...the Conte Indian is the one below?!?!

Carlo wins a prize!!!..........^&grin

Nope, it is a similar figure, but that figure in the photo is an original Frontline release (35th Regiment). Factory painted. I use that Frontline piece as the JJD's BoM line is acutely short of regular officers. Which reminds me that we desperately need a Thomas Gage Collectors Club Figure (Lt. Col. 44th and later American Revolution, British Boston Commander).

I very much miss the Frontline FIW releases, the Royal Roussillon series was simply outstanding, beautiful release. The "personalities" released for the FIW were also great figures and releases, some of my favorite FIW releases, regardless of manufacturer. The "personality figures" are very close if not dead ringers to several painted illustrations in Osprey volumes, wonderfully sculpted. The best the James Wolfe figure is Frontline.

Hi Ken,

Oh yes, I recognize that figure now that you explained it. I also agree with you about the Frontline FIW releases.......they were great and had some nice take-offs of the Osprey book illustrations, like you said. I would love it too if JJ did a Gage figure. It certainly makes sense for him to do one given all the FIW stuff JJ has produced to date. I bet it would be a high selling Collector's Club figure!!


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