Battle of the Ardennes (1 Viewer)


Staff Sergeant
Jul 4, 2009
What would you like to see from K & C for the Germans or the Americans in the Battle of the Ardennes? Possibly some Welsh guards? Some civilians and buildings?

I would like to see American ambush teams and/or Engineers preparing to blow up a bridge or telegraph poles across a road.

Poteau clash - the German SS Panzer Grenadiers from this action would be great.

Anyone else have something they would like to see?
IS KC aware of the fact that the good old Tommy was also prelevant in the Battle of the Bulge.....nuff said...!!!!!
IS KC aware of the fact that the good old Tommy was also prelevant in the Battle of the Bulge.....nuff said...!!!!!

I would say that Andy is well aware of the Brit's being part of the Battle of the Bulge but whether the Brit's being profitable is another matter. I for one would like to see them made and would buy them but I'm not sure if there's a sizable market to support such a series.

I would say that Andy is well aware of the Brit's being part of the Battle of the Bulge but whether the Brit's being profitable is another matter. I for one would like to see them made and would buy them but I'm not sure if there's a sizable market to support such a series.


KC often remark with thier new releases...>"Here is KC"s tribute to"<...So i guess what you are saying is that the good old Tommy who fought at the Bulge...(or any other place after Normandy, where they faced just the same winter hardships as thier American counterparts, are not worth a "TRIBUTE" just because they will not show enough profit for KC.....SHAME..!!!.
Oh and while we are on the subject>>>>Canadians!!!.

I would say that Andy is well aware of the Brit's being part of the Battle of the Bulge but whether the Brit's being profitable is another matter. I for one would like to see them made and would buy them but I'm not sure if there's a sizable market to support such a series.


Tom; Not only I would like to see them made but also I would like to see them wearing their winter camo outfits
Hi Guys... hi Aidman,

Re: The reason for not, at this time, producing British troops for this particular battle is nothing to do with ‘profit’ (or no profit whatever the case may be) but just that it is impossible to do everything for everyone just when anyone asks for it...

K&C does more WW2 soldiers and fighting vehicles on a regular basis on a broader range of subjects than any other toy soldier company... Obviously we cannot please everyone... So, apologies for that wishes,
KC often remark with thier new releases...>"Here is KC"s tribute to"<...So i guess what you are saying is that the good old Tommy who fought at the Bulge...(or any other place after Normandy, where they faced just the same winter hardships as thier American counterparts, are not worth a "TRIBUTE" just because they will not show enough profit for KC.....SHAME..!!!.
Oh and while we are on the subject>>>>Canadians!!!.


Hello Steve

As you can see from Andy's post below, not releasing Bulge Brit's have nothing to do with profit. That was my best guess and not K&C. Like I said previously, I would love to see them released but I understand that it's not always possible for K&C to cover all conflicts and areas of collecting and I appreciate the fact that K&C brings out more releases and covers more areas of collecting than any other manufacturer. They also have released way more British related figures and vehicles than anyone else and from my understanding they will continue to do so for many years to come. I think this is a fitting "TRIBUTE" to the Brit's which I don't think you have recognised.

Not to minimize casualties since a casualty was someone's brother, son, father or husband but British casualties only numbered around 1,400 whereas American and German casualties were 89,000 and 67,000, respectively.
Hi Guys... hi Aidman,

Re: The reason for not, at this time, producing British troops for this particular battle is nothing to do with ‘profit’ (or no profit whatever the case may be) but just that it is impossible to do everything for everyone just when anyone asks for it...

K&C does more WW2 soldiers and fighting vehicles on a regular basis on a broader range of subjects than any other toy soldier company... Obviously we cannot please everyone... So, apologies for that wishes,

As a Toy Soldier collector who has been also a KC collector from almost day 1 i believe i may praise or criticise a toy soldier manufacturer as my opinions dictate, this is called an opinion, and that is a right we all have. That is also one of the reasons for this great forum we have discuss, exchange our idea"s/dreams, and maybe now and then make a point that we feel strongly about and although not the intention may rock somebody"s boat..!!.
Jazzeum states that there were only 1.400 British casualties compared to 89.000 American....but he forgets to mention that the Brits fielded a total force of 55.000 and the US a total of 500.000 now i am not too good at working out percentages but i think..correct me if i am wrong...that the casualties for both forces pan out more or less the same.
But this is not the point i i was trying to make and is well outside the Original intention of this thread. Mr Neilson states he cannot please everone, of course he cant, we all have our own wishes and hopes that a certain item will be released, this is obviously impossible. I am a collector who only collects WWII and i have let in the past more than a few great items pass me by because they did not come from the KC stable, But in the last couple of years my tactics have changed and if after waiting many years for KC to release an item i see that it has been released by another manufacturer then i will purchase that item, for example the M26 Pershing i would have loved to see this tank released by KC, i waited a long time but it never happened, so now i have my pershing but not from KC....and the same goes for winter Brits/Canadians whoever is first gets my money..!!.
This is not a knock at KC or anyone else for that matter, i love my KC collection, and YES!! KC release far more WWII than any other company...BUT i do believe that WWII collectors are kept waiting far too long for certain items...and i am talking about items and series that should have been acknowledged years ago.


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