Beau Geste glossy paint (1 Viewer)


Private 2
Jan 24, 2008
Does anyone know the type of glossy paint Beau Geste uses on their figures? I just purchased a wonderful set of Napoleonic Egyptian figures and there is a small spot on one of the legs missing paint. It's not chipped just didn't cover well or rubbed off. Do you think I could just touch it up with Humbrol gloss white?


I'm not sure about the brand of paint, but I always use HUMBROL, and find it very good, especially for gloss figres, wanting a traditional toy finish.

You say its only a small spot, so I"d use HUMBROl and see how it looks. If the colour doen't match, yes there are many whites that don't try mixing in some other, but why worry if its small, unless you inspect your troops with a magnifying glass !!!! ^&confuse

That's a good point. It's just a small spot on one of the legs and the metal color does not leap out from the white around the area. Probably better to just let it be then experiment with paint on such great figures. I was just thinking if someone new the paint they use I could touch it up and the figure would be perfect.

Hi Guys,

Not sure of which Paint Ana uses but if I were you I would drop her a PM and ask her. She is a regular here and will certainly answer a question like this. That way there isnt any experimenting going on.


We use nail's lacquer for our miniatures, and we have our colours prepared specially. Humbrol white gloss should work. Specially in white, there shouldn't be any differences. And if they were, I can always send you a small jar with our paint so you can give it the final touch.

Just let me know how it went.


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