Beaver Wars (1 Viewer)


Brigadier General
Feb 18, 2008
An interesting new range for me would be the Beaver Wars between the French/Hurons against the Iroquois.A specific battle that would be interesting for me would be The Battle of Long Sault in which French Commander Dollard des Ormeaux and 50+ French/Hurons were overwelmed by the Iroquois.Reason this would be interesting is that the clothing and weaponary of 17th cen.N.America would be different than the FIW. I know nobody but Canadians mostly have heard of this but this period in Canada is pretty interesting.Come on Matt Long Sault or Bushy Run,I'll take either.:D
An interesting new range for me would be the Beaver Wars between the French/Hurons against the Iroquois.A specific battle that would be interesting for me would be The Battle of Long Sault in which French Commander Dollard des Ormeaux and 50+ French/Hurons were overwelmed by the Iroquois.Reason this would be interesting is that the clothing and weaponary of 17th cen.N.America would be different than the FIW. I know nobody but Canadians mostly have heard of this but this period in Canada is pretty interesting.Come on Matt Long Sault or Bushy Run,I'll take either.:D

I would be in for such a range....but can't see it happen :(
An interesting new range for me would be the Beaver Wars between the French/Hurons against the Iroquois.A specific battle that would be interesting for me would be The Battle of Long Sault in which French Commander Dollard des Ormeaux and 50+ French/Hurons were overwelmed by the Iroquois.Reason this would be interesting is that the clothing and weaponary of 17th cen.N.America would be different than the FIW. I know nobody but Canadians mostly have heard of this but this period in Canada is pretty interesting.Come on Matt Long Sault or Bushy Run,I'll take either.:D

The Beaver Wars are so overlooked...the conflicts between the Indians and with the French over lands that were pelt rich is a great story...any French Indian collector knows the value of the beavers in the early years...
This range could be expaned to include of course the English but the Dutch and the Spaniards also.
The wars that went on between The Hudson Bay Company, The Northwest Company, and all parties in between would make Great Miniseries.....Ethnic cleansing (native on native included), Biological warfare, Naval Battles etc....Cowboys movies would be like Cartoons in comparison.
Maybe if they did this range the would also make little Beaver figures too.:D
I have 2 books called Iroquois Wars,pt.1 and pt.2 which is excerpts from the Jesuit Relations and just bought 2 books ,Merchant Kings,When Companies Ruled the World 1600-1900 (They don't now?) and Fur,Fortune and Empire,The Fur Trade in America.This starts in the 17th cen.
Champlains first encounter, with his Huron allies against the Iroquois would also be interesting. At the time, the Iroquois were wearing body armour and using shields made of reeds/wood....
I sure hope you guys get your wish ;) I have no collecting interest in this subject which is fine as I'm already getting spread thin with the ones I do although Iroquois wearing body armor does sound pretty cool :) ..Happy collecting Gebhard
I just started another book about this period called The Savage Empire.Hey Chris check out this thread.:D:D
I sure hope you guys get your wish ;) I have no collecting interest in this subject which is fine as I'm already getting spread thin with the ones I do although Iroquois wearing body armor does sound pretty cool :) ..Happy collecting Gebhard

I'm spread even more thin then last year :redface2: And I have a feeling its gonna get worse ..Regards Gebhard
I just started another book about this period called The Savage Empire.Hey Chris check out this thread.:D:D

You are just KILLING me!! {sm4}{sm3}{sm3} WAY TOO much material in these threads to not just have a hearty and robust laugh- especially with an underdeveloped juvenile mindset like mine!!

The funny thing is listening to all the anti-Iraq war protesters and the "Bush war for oil" slogans- guess these folks missed the fact that people have been waging war for centuries over rare resources and/or critical GDP things- guess the anti- Beaver War pundits could call it "Bush's Beaver War!!"

On another note- Rome wiped North African continent clean of the African Elephant all to feed the publics need for gladiatorial games. Lots of little critters have suffered over time.
I like animals and I find it sad that we use them like any other product.No respect for other living creatures,but hey we kill our own off don't we?Maybe that's what the aliens will do to us.{eek3}Anyone remember the Twilight Zone episode "To Serve Man"?
Champlains first encounter, with his Huron allies against the Iroquois would also be interesting. At the time, the Iroquois were wearing body armour and using shields made of reeds/wood....

There is 54mm model figure of this armoured warrior. on my wish list...( have?
If you mean the 17th cen.Huron from La Meridiana I did have it and actually got that one painted but I gave it to a friend as a gift.
I love getting gifts!!!lol

Yes that one! it is on my list.

Mark, both the war museum and the mankind museum have great native exhibits \(in Ottawa) There is a full size figure wearing this get up!
Well worth the visit!
I love getting gifts!!!lol

Mark is Santa Claus. I am throughly convinced of it. Age seems about right plus the guy is a fan of animals- gotta believe we could find Rudolph scurrying about there in New Jersey. {sm4}

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