Become An Immortal Paper Soldier! (1 Viewer)

Jun 30, 2008

The Battle Of Walkerloo rages on.... as do I!

I've just released the first of a new type of Print-fantry paper soldier. The result of a collaboration between battle re-enactors and myTHself. The two new Brunswick units are the 'Leib-Battalion' and Jaegers of the Avant Garde Battalion. These 2 new units include four portraits of re-enactors who became patrons via a commission in their purchase and ownership of my paintings. They are now immortalised as Walkerloo print-fantry paper soldiers on Wargames Vault, available for immediate worldwide download and bladed extraction for real pretend play war!



The process was so successful I'm opening it up to EVERYONE! I hope it enables me to grow my regiments whilst the commissioning patron gets my original gouache portrait of themself or chosen friend or loved one. Not bad for 150 euros! If you are interested you can find out all you need to know on my blog or website - incuding a list of regiments currently recruiting that you can sign up for... or you could e-mail me to suggest another... ACW perhaps? or 7 years war... (imagine youself or a friend as a Pandour!....)

Crikey my last post here was just before my invasion of Russia... hmmm so an UPDATE. I completed and was paid for ten new regiments of paper soldier artwork for Borodino. They continue to sell nicely for me as PDF download print-fantry at 'wargame vault'. The publisher, against my advice (I've got some experience of selling paper soldiers,,,,now!) re-published the Waterloo collection in so doing delaying the new Borodino stuff - missing the Borodino media wave. Hmm the last I heard the Borodino collection were not sadly in production and since then 'National Politics' have shrouded communications. Invading Russia was bound to be tricky - but a hundred pictures and a poetic defeat is more than consolation!

However since then I've continued to make more paper soldiers of course... and the original Walkerloo soldiers still sell to kids and collectors around the world.


I've begun to Branch out into new periods... for new occaisons and anniversaries... and I hope some of those will make it into die-cut figures...

ROA test2.jpg

And there will be two more films next year. I've edited the first but need to re-shoot the last scene and another more ambitious will complete the trilogy. RETIRED! ;0)

So Sign Up for a commission in the Battle of Walkerloo... €150 for an original painting... and paintings have been known to go up in value!*


Ok I got to finish these Belgian Light Dragoons... about time too!


ps. I sneaked a portrait of myTHself into this last Brunswick release... I'm an officer of the Avant Garde to be sure!
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