Beer Wagon (1 Viewer)


Sep 22, 2009
I had made note in a prior thread that I have had excellent success when using ALL categories in searching for a specific item on eBay.. Case in point,
when searching for the elusive Phoenix Mail Coach, after a year one did pop up under ANTIQUE TOYS.. Must of been an antique shop cleaning up an estate sale
of left overs and bundled together a grouping of "toy wagons". Good grief what a find, as for $75 Not only the mail coach but the even rarer delivery wagon and assorted
others out side the Phoenix line but more than suitable to my purposes.
Photo of the package below

one of the "other" wagons appeared to be a beer hauling wagon, and even better a perfect fit for the driver I replaced on the Hansom cab.
It also came with Barrels and a complete set of harness but no horse. So off to the bowels of the gray army and back with a suitable metal horse that came from who knows where
or how long ago. And assembly, priming and painting began.


What a great addition to the Xmas display. A wagon making an evening beer delivery to the local pubs, and keeping it productive,
Hauling back the next morning, the latest victim of Jack the Ripper. Does it get any better?
WOW, that was great find getting those wagons, I'm sure the local collector wo I paint for would love the Mail Coach :)

I have painted a beer wagon for him, it was a resin WW1 GS wagon which was repainted, had Phoenix driver and a pair of draft horses added.


I have also painted the Deliver Van for him


Now I'm looking forward to seeing you work on yours, so keep on posting :)

Good work,

I love your beer wagon. Great conversion. That damm Mail Coach was a bear to find. Over a year with daily emails from Ebay with the search Bygone Age before getting a hit.
Problem now is the decals seem very fragile. I have been bugging my modelling cronies who make their own decals, but there seems to be a lot of white in one of the royal crests
and because no white ink, not just a case of using color printer and decal paper. Looking for ideas. I noticed the printing on your wagons and vendor carts are very precise and well done. How are you doing that? Any insite much appreciated
Walt Damon
I love your beer wagon. Great conversion. That damm Mail Coach was a bear to find. Over a year with daily emails from Ebay with the search Bygone Age before getting a hit.
Problem now is the decals seem very fragile. I have been bugging my modelling cronies who make their own decals, but there seems to be a lot of white in one of the royal crests
and because no white ink, not just a case of using color printer and decal paper. Looking for ideas. I noticed the printing on your wagons and vendor carts are very precise and well done. How are you doing that? Any insite much appreciated
Walt Damon


The signage on the carts varies depending on what it supplied by Phoenix.

In the case of the Delivery Van, it was the original decals, as was the Milk Float.

For the Milk Cart, that was printed on the paper instructions, so i cut them out and glued onto the cart, then sealed with clear gloss.

For the Beer Wagon I constructed the sign using metal sheet and wire. The Fuller's Beer logo was compiled digitally, printed to scale with a matching green background on a home office printer on high quality paper and setting , cut out then glued onto the board and sealed with clear gloss.

For the Ice Cream cart, that lettering was hand painted (In a Bygone Era, I was trained in hand lettering on maps !!!)

I hope that helps, but if you need any other questions, you only have to ask, and I will try to help,

Hi Walt,

You really scored on this one!!!

May I also direct you and other interested parties again to Scalelink, Irregular Miniatures for additional logistical needs... :)

Rgds Victor

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