Beware of Greeks bearing gifts (1 Viewer)


Brigadier General
Nov 20, 2015
The Wooden horse has been pulled into Troy.
The inhabitants for the most part in drunken slumber.
Out from the Horse steal the Greeks and open a gate into the city, The Greeks waiting rush in with wrath born of ten years of war and the city is torched. A few Trojan warriors try to rush the gate to close it.

Excellent piece to compliment a still great story even if it's over 3000 years old.
Interesting sidetrack to the current Persian Greek craze. The figures could be used for a number of different battles and would not look out of place. It's interesting, Troy was once thought to be a fable but now with recent discoveries and evidence there is substantial proof that it did exist an there is even a place today called Troy. Good reflection on this part of ancient history Steve. Regards Greg.
Great work, very nice indeed!

Interestingly enough I am Greek and in Greece no one uses this phrase :)

HaHaHa ! I'm sure you know it's not to be taken literally of course, just means don't trust your enemies !
So, have to ask, do Greeks have a similar phrase then ?


Interesting sidetrack to the current Persian Greek craze. The figures could be used for a number of different battles and would not look out of place. It's interesting, Troy was once thought to be a fable but now with recent discoveries and evidence there is substantial proof that it did exist an there is even a place today called Troy. Good reflection on this part of ancient history Steve. Regards Greg.

Cheers Greg. Absolutely with you on that, I'm sure the typical look of Greek warriors of the Trojan War would of been different to what we today think of as typical. Usually the helmet shapes change for a start, just think of Republican Romans, to those of Vespasian to those of Constantine.

Sixteen years ago I did visit what remains of Troy, the Sea has retreated so far over all those centuries it's not surprising it was overlooked and when Schliemann did dig well, he made a hash of that, but then, he was after making a name for himself and archaeologists of the time weren't so meticulous ! I didn't use a photo of the "Wooden Horse" outside the archaeological site at Troy as it's more of a childrens version and just looked on the internet for something a bit more convincing !

Next will be a fun take on a scene from the film Jason and the Argonauts !

HaHaHa ! I'm sure you know it's not to be taken literally of course, just means don't trust your enemies !
So, have to ask, do Greeks have a similar phrase then ?


We do not, first time I became aware of the phrase was when I moved to the USA (20+ years ago).
I am sure that if Greeks had a phrase it would definitely involve the Turks :) lol

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