Bill Holt-Holts hobbies (1 Viewer)


Sergeant Major
Aug 7, 2008
Confirmed the passing of a good friend I lost touch with,thanks for information provided by several here,,A fellow veteran,career air force sgt,,and maker of fine Dimestore soldiers in a more modern style. A true collector and creative man. Fly on Bill
I didn't know that he passed away, that's a shame! Bill really was a driver in the hobby, and I think the resurgence in interest in dimestore soldiers in the last few years is due in large part to his work.

Well, I hope he's got the ultimate collection now.

Eternal rest grant him, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon him.
Sorry to hear about Bill Holt. I enjoyed talking with him at shows. Here is a later set he made for me before he retired. Six- Dimestore Marines.


  • HoltMarine1w.jpg
    26.3 KB · Views: 187
I have the marines also,,he was quite pleased with the line and planned more of course,,in the rear window of his large pre SUV wagon he had a sticker "we were winning when I left", His Airforce Base ,Bien Hoa was the central facility for air support in the part of 3 corps I served in, Bill was a line chief on F100s,
He attempted to teach me mold making and always signed and dated the figures I have from him.
Sorry to hear about Bill Holt. I enjoyed talking with him at shows. Here is a later set he made for me before he retired. Six- Dimestore Marines.
. Leadmen, I believe this was actually the last set he designed before he retired and yours is probably one of perhaps ten (well, certainly no more than fifteen) that he ever shipped out.
The only other collector friend of my fathers that I know who even had one is gunnyfred, Fred Corcoran.

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