I am very excited about this line. I purchased the Elephant, well I ordered him from two different sources and been waiting quite awhile now. I have received the Hastatus., it was better than I imagined but nowwhere near quality of AeroArt or Kolobob. I also received the Iberian Horseman. I really like him, fits well with the East Of India, even my aeroart to a degree. However, the Hastatus does not fit with anything. His paint job and size make him not fit in. The Hastatus seems a bit larger than my other 54mm while the Iberian Horseman a bit smaller, which is why he fits with East Of India. East of India Romans are much smaller than my other 54mm figures. I wish their shields (espeically the Iberian Horseman) were better. On the Iberian Horseman the paint of the front of the shield seems like a decal that was licked and glued on.
Does anyone know if more figures are coming out for the Romans?