The Elfant did appear in the Battle of the Bulge
Please reference the excellent new book by Peter Schrijvers
Thanks but to be blunt you are WRONG and the information is incorrect, it is felt he confused the vehicles with his research and it was another TD, possibly a Jadgpanther or even a Jadgtiger, but this was probably soldiers on the ground as many would not have seen a Jadgpanther or a Jadgtiger when they first appeared in the battle. It has also been documented by non-BotB experts as there has been considerable research into the Elefant TD and they have clearly outlined where each of the production run was either abandoned or destroyed. Therefore they know what happened to every single Elefant and none were destroyed during the BotB.
I have read Schrijvers book and did see that and it made me smile, if you want to read on the battle of the Ardennes then I suggest you look through the list below,
Author Title
Addor. D Noville Outpost to Bastogne
Allen. R High White Forest
Arend F PATTON and the 3rd Army in the Bulge.
Arnold J Ardennes 1944.
Astor. G A Blood Dimmed Tide
Babcock Taught To Kill
Bauserman. J The Malmedy Massacre
Billings. R Task Force Lone Bandit
Binsfield. G The Battle of the Bulge
Blunt R Inside The Battle of the Bulge
Blunt R Foot Soldier
Bonham. F The Ghost Front
Bruning. J The Battle of the Bulge
Burgett. D Seven Roads To Hell
Cavanagh. W Battle East of Elsenborn
Cavanagh. W A Tour of the Bulge Battlefield.
Cockle. T PANZERS of the Ardennes Off 44 -45
Cole. H The Ardennes: The Battle of the Bulge
Collins. M The Tigers of Bastogne
Connell. M The Ardennes-BotB (Battles in Focus)
Connelly. M The Mortarman
Cooke. D Kamp Peiper: Race for the Meuse
Cortesi L Valour in the Bulge
Critchell L Four Stars of Hell
Crookenden N Battle of the Bulge
Cross. R The BotB.44. Hitler's Last Hope
Davis. G Bloody Bastogne
Davis. F M Break Through
Delaforce. P Battle of the Bulge: Hitler's Final Gamble
DeMeyer. S Duel in the Mist - One
DeMeyer. S Duel in the Mist - Two
DeMeyer. S Duel in the Mist - Three
Draper. T 84th Inf Div in the Battle of the Bulge
Dupuy T Hitler’s Last Gamble
Eastlake W Castle Keep
Eisenhower J The Bitter Woods
Elstob. P Bastogne. Road Block (Purnell’s).
Elstob. P Hitler’s Last Offensive
Forty. G. The Reich's Last Gamble
Gallagher R Malmedy Massacre
Gaul. R The BotB in Lux. Vol 1: The Germans
Gaul. R The BotB in Lux. Vol 2: The Americans
Goethals T Panzer Ghost Division
Goldstein D Nuts! The Battle of the Bulge
Goolrick W The Battle of the Bulge
Green. G Patton and the Battle of the Bulge
Green. M Stories of the Battle of the Bulge
Gregoire G Fire. Les Panzer De Peiper
GreGoire. G Le Tiger 213 La Gleize
Hartman. J Tank Driver
Hechler K Holding the Line
Heyman. M Christmas in Bastogne
Hingston. P The Outsider
Hughes. D Soldier Boys
Jackson. R TEMPEST Squadron
Jordan. D The BotBFirst 24 hours
Kane S 1 SS Panzer Div in the Battle of the Bulge
Kelly. C Red Legs of the Bulge
Kershaw. A The Longest Winter
Kessler L SS Peiper
Kindle. T The Boys from New Jersey
Koskimaki. G Battered Bastards of BASTOGNE
Kotlowitz. R Before Their Time
Lee. N de Voices of the Battle of the Bulge
Lucas. J SS Kampfgruppe Peiper
Lynch. D Into the Dragon's Teeth: Warrior's Tales
Macdonald C A Time for Trumpets
Macdonald C The BotB
Macdonald C Company Commander
MacKenzie F The Men of Bastogne
Marshall.S Bastogne.
McGivern. W Soldiers of 44
McManus. J Alamo in the Ardennes
Merriam R The BotB
Archer. L BotB - Panzerwrecks 16
Mitcham. S Panzers in Winter
Mulvihill. W Fire Mission
Neill. G W Infantry Soldier
Nobecourt J Hitler's Last Gamble
Oren. M Reunion
Orfalea G Messengers of the Lost Battalion:
Pallaud J. D. Ardennes 1944 - Peiper & Skorzeny
Pallaud J. D. BotB.Then and Now
Parker D.S. Hitler’s Ardennes Offensive
Parker D.S. The BotB
Parker D.S. To Win the Winter Sky
Parker D.S. BotB View of the German High Command.
Parker D.S. FATAL Crossroads
Patterson. E Patton's Unsung Armour of the Ardennes
Patton O Silent Snow
Patton. O The Silent Snow
Pearce. D Nobody Comes Back: A Novel of the BotB
Pergrin. D Engineering the Victory
Phillips. R To Save Bastogne - BotB before the BotB.
Pimlott J Battle of the Bulge
Quarrie B Ardennes Off. Panzer Armee. Northern Sector.
Quarrie B The Ardennes Off. Allied. Northern Sector.
Quarrie B Ardennes Off. Panzer Armee. Central Sector.
Quarrie B The Ardennes Off. Allied. Central Sector.
Quarrie B The Ardennes Off. German. Southern Sector.
Quarrie B The Ardennes Off. Allied.Southern Sector.
Quigley. M Hell Frozen Over
Rawson. A The Battle of the Bulge
Reynolds. M The Devils Adjutant
Reynolds. M Men of Steel
Richardson E Blood and Candles
Rusiecki. S The Key to the Bulge
Schacllewitz The Meuse First and then Antwerp
Schrijvers. P The Unknown Dead - Civilians in the BotB
Schrijvers. P Those Who Hold Bastogne
Sears, S.W. The BotB
Semmler. H SS-Flak
Shaara. J No Less Than Victory
Shepherd. We Were There at the Battle of the Bulge
Stein C The Story of the Battle of the Bulge
Strawson J The Battle for the Ardennes
Tabor M Battle of the Bulge
Three Battle of the Bulge
Toland J Battle
Tolhurst M Bastogne.
Tolhurst M St Vith. US 106th Infantry Division
Tsouras. P Battle of the Bulge-Hitler's Alternate Scenarios
Vassaux. W NUTS ! Bastogne BotB(Cartoon)
Vorwald. P BotB. Through The Lens.
Warnock The Dead of Winter
Watkins.P Night Over Day Over Night
Weingartner. Crossroads of Death
Weintraub. 11 Days in December
Welsh, R. B Two Foes To Fight In BotB
Whiting.C Orders to Kill
Whiting.C BotB. Britain’s Untold Story.
Whiting.C Massacre at Malmedy
Whiting.C The March on London
Whiting.C Pattons Last Battle
Whiting.C Ardennes. The Secret War
Whiting.C Ghost Front
Whiting.C Decision at St Vith
Whiting.C Last Assault
Wijers. H BotB Losheim Gap/Holding the Line. Vol 1
Wijers. H BotB Hell at Butgenbach/Seize of the Bridges
Wilson. G If You Survive: From Normandy to the BotB.
Winters. G FREINEUX and LAMORMENIL - The Ardennes
Winton. H Corps Commanders of the Bulge
Young, D The Lion's Share : A Story of the BotB
Zaloga. S The BotB
Zaloga. S Battle of The Ardennes 1944 [1]
Zaloga. S BotB1944 (2)
Zaloga. S Panther V Sherman - Battle of the Bulge
La Gleize Museum
Monmorry Routes Battle of the Bulge
Bastogne Museum