Thanks for the information, much appreciated.
From 'old England' and what is a very 'cold England' at the minute.
Spent short time up in New England, liked Burlington and the abundance of bookshops [new and second hand] in the region. In 1987 [was stationed there at the time] went to one second hand shop, cannot remember where, but it was just at a junction with a store and a petrol station and diner. Nothing else for miles. Bought around 45 paperbacks. He had a great selection of military and historical thriller and momoirs. Two i remember and still have are 365 Days by R Glaiser, a great read on Vietnam and The Killer Angels by M Shaara on the US Civil War, led me to eventually read all his books and a number of his Son's books as well. I think i had around 200 books that i bought back with me, flew back on a RAF C130, so weight and baggage allowances were not a problem.
Thanks again.