Brand New Releases: Nijmegan ! (1 Viewer)

This uniform would be for Market Garden, but these figures would be fantastic in a D-Day dio.


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    101st medic front.JPG
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That is a beautiful 12" figure; who makes that one and is that part of your collection? Thanks for posting the picture..........
This uniform would be for Market Garden, but these figures would be fantastic in a D-Day dio.

Again, the 504th Parachute Infantry Regiment DID wear the M1942 jump uniform for the Holland jump - the last organizational use of that uniform in Europe.

Cheers Gary:

Many thanks for the never ending Norden Bomb Sight Precise (for the 40s at least) Precision INTEL! I really appreciate your research. I have been expanding my research from the aviation hangar to your sector especially the armour!

All The Best,
I would just prefer that figures produced for a specific operation be made with what the majority of soldiers were outfitted with. Again I think they are fantastic figures, but all of the manufactures seem to only be able to produce US airborne figures using the earlier M42 jump suits. 99% of all US airborne troops were wearing the OD Green M43's by Market Garden.

Warrior, thanks for the comment on the sixth scale figure, it is a mix of gear from several different manufactures that I put together.
I would just prefer that figures produced for a specific operation be made with what the majority of soldiers were outfitted with.

In that point we do agree - I tend to model the "average" looking troops and tanks. Even the glider troops were in M43 outfits by Market-Garden which made them visually the same as the airborne guys, except for the paratroopers who wouldn't give up their jump boots. Some good figures in the modified M43's would be nice to see also. Maybe later in this series?

The small arms can be expanded also. The parachute units were not officially authorized the BAR in Overlord but started gettting them added about the time of the Holland jumps. As shown in "Band of Brothers" the M1919A6 light machine gun was appearing in more units. Several options open up for a whole bunch of US paratroopers in this series, especially (as you say) in the later uniforms.

Ok, lets assume its an FJ helmet, I'll give you that. But does anybody know of any FJ units at the battle? Again I've never read about it anywhere, but does anybody know for sure?
Ok, lets assume its an FJ helmet, I'll give you that. But does anybody know of any FJ units at the battle? Again I've never read about it anywhere, but does anybody know for sure?

There was airborne pioneer Kurt Student's optimistically named 1st Falschirmjager Army.


  • Campaign_Map.jpg
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Ok, lets assume its an FJ helmet, I'll give you that. But does anybody know of any FJ units at the battle? Again I've never read about it anywhere, but does anybody know for sure?

The 1'st parachute army on the 6 Sept was put to defend the Corridor
Did the Stug have zimmerit:confused:

Thanks for the links, very interesting. I had not known that Zimmerit was ever applied in any pattern other than the vertical columns of horizontal ridges. It was also interesting to read about its development, and the content. For example, I had always thought that it was more of a spackle-like compound, but that may come from my early modeling days, and Shep Paine's diorama tips (spackle was what you used to make Zimmerit on a 1/35 scale model, with a razor saw to shape it), or from the name itself. "Zimmer" (cognate with our "timber") as a root can mean "carpentry" (as in "Zimmerman"-"carpenter"-or imply the act of building, I didn't know that that was the name of the company that developed it.

The waffle pattern is pretty cool-looking, I'd like to see that reproduced.


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