Break in at TMTerrain (1 Viewer)


Private 2
Apr 1, 2007
We had a break in today at our unit and we have lost alot of stock. It includes Collectors Showcase - ACW, Nap and WW2- tanks and infantry
First Legion- Bavarians and French infantry and unpainted 40mm
John Jenkins- FIW, Jacobite and 1812
Patriot- napoleonic
Old North West- WW1 and ACW

I think they were opportunists rather than stealing to order so I would imagine we will see the stock appear on ebay and other auction sites. This is the only way I think we will have any chance of getting anything back.
Please, if you see anything suspicious or are approached with cheap stock please email us with a private email and we can see if we can track anything down.
On the bright side, we are insured (but is that going to be any good we will see), no one got hurt and the business is not threatened. The orders for the show in March haven't arrived yet so that will all be there. We have lost some rare stuff and stock we will not be able to re supply. If you have been promised anything from us over the last few weeks and we had put it to one side I can't guarantee we will still have it. I would think we will get back working properly once we have sorted out with the insurance company and we know what we can afford to re supply. If you find our response a little slower than usual please forgive us.
I am posting this same thread on the other manufactures categories so if you have read this one ignore the others!

TMTerrain Ltd
Sorry to hear this David. Hope things get sorted out soon
Bill W
I'd be suspicious of any new posts that show up here, showing their great new dioramas....
Seriously, though, it would be a good idea to watch sites like ours, and at the shows, for anyone trying to sell those items. I mean, it's probably not likely to be a collector who did it, but someone who has an idea of the value. And where would you go to unload the goods? You have to go to the world of collectors to do it.
Seriously, though, it would be a good idea to watch sites like ours, and at the shows, for anyone trying to sell those items. I mean, it's probably not likely to be a collector who did it, but someone who has an idea of the value. And where would you go to unload the goods? You have to go to the world of collectors to do it.

If like David said they may be opportunists in which case they may not realise what they've got or where to pass it on but who knows?
Sorry to hear it Dave
Sorry to hear this David. Hope who ever it was gets whats coming to them.
The phrase "shot at dawn" comes to mind. Hope the scum get caught. -- lancer
Hi David

We get calls offering us collections etc so we will keep our ears peeled. also it is worth knocking up a flyer for the up and coming show in March as there is a lot of part time dealers who attend the show and may well have some ' back of the van stock'


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