Well, there's a big demand for Italian tanks from me....and I have the K&C Japanese one.
I've got it
- I'm completely out-of-step with everyone else in the hobby in the sense that I like the more obscure and unusual FAV's, such as the Vickers and Renault 35, and would prefer to get the chance of collecting similar tanks to these instead of blindly following down well-beaten paths - Correct?
How many more Shermans, Tigers, Panthers, PzIV's do we need - not enough, apparently.
No offense intended to lovers of the more common tanks the manufacturers offer. This is a serious post. And I do have two Sherman, a Tiger, a Panther and two PzIV's in my collection.
I'm not suggesting that unusual tanks from the early war period would be commercially viable - I'd just like to have the choice.