British Tank Markings & Names (1 Viewer)


Sergeant Major
Jul 21, 2005

Anyone in the forum knows what the white square with a black background and a white number 9 in the recently released Cromwel Tank mean?

All I know is that the tank belongs to the C Squadron (yellow circle), Reconnaisance Regiment ( (green & Blue square with #45) of the Welsh Guard Division (red & blue patch with the seeing eye). The yellow circle with black background & yellow #27 is the bridging weight (27 tons). An I correct so far? How come this particular tank did not have a number?

I've been doing a lot of research on British Tanks names and markings and boy, it is too complicated unlike the U.S. Army. I've spent a fortune getting books on this subject matter and there is still a "black-hole" of information.

Any books you guys can recommend? I am looking in particular Table of Organization & Equipments of the 13/18th Hussars which for a short period was with the 27th Armoured Brigade (Jan 1944 -July 1944).


Hi N-P

I dont have the answer for you since my reference books are all still in boxes but if you can find any of the following books you should be able to answer the question. Also PM Cardigan, he was a Britsh Army Tanker.

British Military Markings 1939 -1945 By Hodges and Taylor, Cannon Publications 1994

British Army Handbook 1939 - 1945 By George Forty

Warpaint, Colours and Markings of British Army Vehicles 1903 - 2003. This one is a multi volumn set. Vol 1 should answer the question but I am not totally sure.

If I get a chance to dig out my other references I may be able to help but it will be a while.


Thanks. I'll check the 2 books.

The other book, Warpaint, I already have. Volume 1 deals with Registration numbers and camouflage. Based on the article writen at the preface Volume 2 & 3 will deal on tank names, call signs, flashes and tactical signs (which is still in production). I also have BT White's British Tank & Marking, very comprehensive but did not cover specific RTRs I was looking for.


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